View Full Version : worried

05-10-10, 17:04
Does anyone else randomly feel their pulse? at night I can feel it pulsing in my hands and fingers, its horrible and I have to move my hand for it to go away, is this normal? I read on the news today about a 12 year old who had a heart attack suddenly and sadly died and they thought bullying had caused it by putting too much strain on her heart, that has set me off no end, I didn't make it to any of my two lectures today.. I have Brownies tonight (I'm a Brownie leader) but I'm too scared to go, (it's in an hours time, at 6pm) and I'll have to make it home after, I'm too worried - last time I had to stand and wait on a bus in the dark and I got into such a flap. Please help?

05-10-10, 17:57
there are always horrible stories about things that happen. when you read something like that you have to instantly get up and do something else and really stop thinking about it.

and yes i know what you mean about the pulse, i get it too!