View Full Version : Is this muscular?

05-10-10, 17:06
I have terrible trouble with my spine hernaited discs and degenerated discs and any exercise that is unusual for me and I suffer. Well a week ago I adopted two gorgeous bunny rabbits and have been cleaning their cage out every other day which means bending down and stretching my arms in to sweep out the corners of their cage and carrying heavyish bags of wood shavings and using a yard brush to clean up ( I am a bit of an clean freak) and today my chest and ribs are aching horribly - it really hurts if I bend over under my ribs like my diaphram- if I straighten my chest I get sharp pain in my sternum where ribs join in middle of chest and it feels a huge effort to breathe although I am not breathless as I walked up a steep hill okay.

Whats really strange is that I am burping alot but have no heartburn or sickness and wondered if a strained diaphram from the bunny cleaning could make me burp alot.

As usual my logical brain says you have been doing things you haven't done before so you will suffer but HA brain is bouncing between a heartattack and stomach cancer ( i once read that burping can be first sign!) even though I had gastrosopy just over 6 months ago.

Talk sense to me please!

07-10-10, 01:20
Just replied to your burping thread, but I hope your ribs are feeling better now, it does sound like you've just strained the inter-rib muscles.