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View Full Version : wasn't expecting this..

becks xxx
05-10-10, 17:14
Hey, i used to experience a lot of panic attacks and always started with a feeling of my heart racing, me physically shaking and an intense feeling of not being able to breathe
Thankfully, i think i've finally got the better of them, now ive just got to tackle the anxiety - i haven't had a panic attack in about 5/6 months? :) which is good!
Anyway today i was having quite a stressful day, i was out with my friend and we was going to sit somewhere for lunch and just randomly, like completely out of nowhere, i felt liek i couldnt breathe, just couldnt get no air in, my heart raced, i was shaking and had to sit down quick as i felt like i would faint.
I haven't had this feeling in soooo long, it come as such as shock and has really knocked me..
Straight after, all my thoughts have been about how much im going backward. if this sort of feeling disappeared for so long and now come back, surely somethings going wrong?
I'm so confused, and so worried. absolutely dreading tomorrow now x

05-10-10, 17:50
Hi Becks,

Sorry you’ve had a bit of a stressful day today, but I bet that had something to do with why you felt a bit panicky earlier.

To experience panic and anxiety is actually quite normal when faced with an unfamiliar or dangerous situation. It’s like the body’s ‘early warning system’. But have you ever heard one of those annoying car alarms that goes off for no reason :mad:

Today was a bit like that – a false alarm. It’s not going backwards.

The biggest thing that keeps anxiety and panic going is the fear of it happening again, so the secret is to try not to worry so much about it. If it happens then it’s a bit of a nuisance, but it’s just one of those things that happens from time to time.

Did you have a good birthday?

Take care,

05-10-10, 17:55
Hi Becks i believe that anxiety and panic can return at any time,my gp told me once we have had it,it will always be here but we learn how to control it,the more you worry about it the more likely it is to return.I had a very good run last winter through spring were i didnt have one blip then out of the blue it returned,having said that i have a friend who has had 14yrs without a blip.Try not to dwell on today and dont worry about tomorrow just remind yourself youve been fine for 5mths and thats how you want to stay:winks:

becks xxx
05-10-10, 20:25
Hey nigel, yeah i've read that in soo many places that it's all to do with us fearing it happening again thats keeping it goin.. i'm not as bad now as ive had people trying to talk some positiveness into me :)
id just love to be able to turn round when i get these feelings and think, ah you know what-do what you like, as bad as you can, cos i no longer care
thats my aim for the way i think! but after experiencing all of this for so long, i still find it magnificent and so silly how it all still bugs me. After years of the feelings and nothing life threatenign happening.. why have i still got such a fear, it doesn't make sense!
And my birthday wasnt good haha! but thanks for asking.. was on a big downer that day, but thankfully did have quite a good day the day before-went out with a friend! It was yours too weren't it? how was yours?

06-10-10, 16:42
Hi Becks,

Sorry you’re birthday was a bit of a downer, but at least the day before was good. Think of that as your birthday instead :yesyes:

Mine was OK thanks. Nothing wildly exciting, but a good day. Sister invited Mum and myself over for the day. It stopped me from doing too much thinking about things!

“id just love to be able to turn round when i get these feelings and think, ah you know what-do what you like, as bad as you can, cos i no longer care”

That takes a huge leap of faith but I’ve read people on here saying – and doing – that exact thing.
And you know what...?

They say it worked! :yahoo:

Take care,