View Full Version : why can't believe what doctor has told me

05-10-10, 18:51
My doctor has diagnosed me with IBS but i can't help thinking its something much worse. I have had unpleasant symptoms most days for 5 months now, is this normal ? The worry that its something else is making my anxiety go through the roof and i feel very depressed. I am so scared i will make myself really ill with all this worry as i have done in the past. Please help !!! xxx:weep:

05-10-10, 18:59
Why do you think it's something worse ad are you on medication for it.. if you need help msg me

05-10-10, 19:31
Because it feels so awful at times, hard to believe its nothing serious !!!!!!
No i'me not on any medication for it xxx

06-10-10, 12:08
is there no one else who can help me ?

06-10-10, 12:22
hi rosebud im suffering with a bit of ocd. it sounds a bit like obsession or could just be general anxiety. why dont you spk to the doctor and let him/her know how you feel. they could talk this through with you xx

06-10-10, 12:27
I never believe the doctor either - I had terrible pains in my stomach and thought it was cancer (this is a recurring thing with me - I always think it's something terminal) I was too scared to go to the doctor so I sat quietly and let my mind think about the problem and I realised that it had something to do with bread, so I stopped eating all kinds of wheat based things and I never get stomach ache any more - now I just worry about other things instead!! One good technique that i've found useful is to write a long list of all the things that feel good in your body - like shiny hair and strong nails, good skin and flexible joints etc...you will find that the positive will outweigh the negative. And don't watch any TV with medical themes - I can't believe the amount of people who go into Holby for an ingrowing toenail and come away with terminal heart conditions!

06-10-10, 12:31
I always think I got something wrong , at the moment Ive got a sinus infection , convinced it was a tumor oh and also "google" convinced me I may have DVT ! worse mistake I ever made was googling my symptoms !