View Full Version : Been in hospital :-( so worried :-(

05-10-10, 18:53
Well, i noticed two lumps in my groin a couple of says ago and had huge panic attack. Went to bed but they hurt a bit and i couldnt sleep so I phoned out of hours doctor. He said they were swollen lymph nodes and to go to doc the next morning n maybe get bloods done. I ended up going to A&E because it rly started to hurt. Ive only just back! Been in Monday morning! They done ultrasound and they r deffo really swollen. They checked my ovaries/ womb aswell n all that was fine, no lumps there! They kept me in so they could do different blood tests and so a consultant could see me. They said they could be raised due to fighting a recent infection (ive not been ill atall and certainly no strange infections down below thats for sure!!) Also the bloods that check for infection came back negative! So wot could be causing this? The one in the right of my neck is right up too, but not gotta cold or nefing :( They wouldnt sample the nodes as they said its too invasive especially as im only 23 and have no direct family history of cancer. Anyway, I was given another blood test which they do for people with suspected cancer, to see if blood cell levels have dropped etc. All normal. Theyve said i need to keep an eye on them and to come back if they get any bigger. I cant move the lumps and they feel very stuck and hard :( Im so worried :( I been very dizzy and wobbly with vision trouble, im so worried that its cancer and its slowly spreading but they arent picking nefing up!

please help! xx

05-10-10, 18:55
also been getting very tired easily, the node in my neck is very 'tight' sort of feeling aswe;ll as very painful, i keep getting nauseous and dizzy and VERY weak right arm. Im petrfied x

05-10-10, 20:30
Its so difficult to seperate anxiety symptoms from other symptoms - it does sound as if you are getting into a panic about the swollen nodes which is understandable we would all be like this and this is producing a cascade of anxiety symptoms like the dizziness etc.

The up side is you have had loads of bloods done including the more specialised ones and they havn't shown any cause for the Drs to think you have cancer of nodes. its very hard to do but you need to watch and wait to see if they get any worse or improve.

do you have appt to go back to hospital or have they discharged you to your GP.

Can you go to your GP and explain how frightened you are that you have some cancer of the lymph glands and Dr can explain things in more detaila bout why hospital aren't worried at moment and maybe come up with a programme of what to do next. I find that if I have a strategy with an illness and Dr then I can cope better.

05-10-10, 20:31
You sound completely run down, and no wonder, the physical effect of anxiety is huge. You should be reassured by the hospital tho, they won't send you your way if they thought there was anything seriously wrong. Honestly it is normal to have swollen nodes, and they can take some time to go down. Try and rest hunny and just follow the advise from the docs x

05-10-10, 20:36
And also you posted recently about needing to stretch out muscles and vertigo which both could indicate a virus. If u r anything like me the anx can make me feel so ill that I can't separate symptoms x

05-10-10, 21:14
you sound like your run down like others say your anixety wont be helping x

05-10-10, 23:33

Poor you, no wonder your in a panic, which is probably why your getting the dizzy symptoms etc.

Please try and be reassured that you have had the blood tests and that if there was any cause for concern they wouldnt of sent you home

love mandie x

06-10-10, 10:55
Theyve said i need to keep an eye on them and to come back if they get any bigger. I cant move the lumps and they feel very stuck and hard

Firstly, you are not supposed to be able to move the nodes themselves, but the skin above them.
Secondly, infection filled nodes hurt. Cancer ones don't. Yours hurt! Keep that in mind.
White blood cells and sed rate only rise during and shortly after an infection, and only if you do get infected. Sometimes (most of the times - that is the goal) the infection gets trapped in some lymph nodes. That is why they swell up - the battle is going on in there.
Thirdly, stop poking them around. Get yourself mentally prepared to stop poking them for at least a couple of weeks. Otherwise, they may remain swollen.
Our inguinal nodes are the most active ones in our body (even more active than neck ones!), so finding swollen ones is not a big discovery.

06-10-10, 19:25
thanks skin uve helped alot. i woke up today with even bigger worry, i found another lump in neck, at the side of my neck and i can move it about all over the place and it doesnt hurt. also the consulatant said thatr the neck and groin nodes are NOT related, and i know for a fact that ive NOT had any problems in my throat or anything , and deffo not 'down there'!!! So why on earth would all these lumps just come up?? i keep getting severe weakness in my hands/arms (mostly right side) and i get rly bad vertigo that just comes on so suddenly, i look very pale and i keep getting boiling hot flushes :( I rly do think its lymphoma. Im not losing weight but i fort that only happens when its rly progressed. Im so scared :( The hospital said they would have me back if the lumps got bigger, buyt i just hate this waiting around hoping that they dont get bigger, and constantly feeling them to work out if they have or not :( My vision hasnt been normal in over 2 months (constantly sway-like vision and everything goes all the time, everything doesnt look real anymore and this never ever goes away :( I just wanna know if its cancer so why they cant they just take a sample and prove it to me :( especially more so now witht his new lump in my neck :( x help :(

06-10-10, 19:31
I have about 10 glands up, groin, neck, armpit etc and a random one on my right chest muscle, theyve been up for months, doc felt some and said probably had a virus, I get the same symptoms as you, still worried but nothings grown thank god!

06-10-10, 19:49
Hey! i've been through a similar sort of thing recently.

I found lumps in my neck and a couple in my groin and went through that whole process you have just gone through.

My bloods did show an infection however, but one of my glands came up when i was 3 and is still that way today (i'm 20 now!) My other glands have gone down but i still have a couple i can feel.
Its possible that your nodes could have been fighting an infection which has now cleared up. Sometimes the nodes stay enlarged because the store the white blood cells which are used to fight the infection just incase the infection comes back.
nodes can become raised for that reason and then stay enlarged - like the one on my neck.

And like Skin said, cancer nodes don't hurt - they grow very gradually over time, rather than balloon up in a couple of weeks.

If your doctors were at all worried, they would be sending you for node biopsies!
(even if it does go that far - don't let it panic you. I am on the long waiting list to have my node removed :( but thats not because they think i have cancer, it's because they are curious as to why its bigger!)

These things swell for all sorts of reasons, even a spot or scratch so don't assume the worst. I know how hard it is though, i was an absolute wreck!

Have they tested you for Glandular fever?
I tested positive for this - which could be why my glands were up and I had no symptoms.
Hope you're ok xxx:hugs:

06-10-10, 20:42
Aw thanks so much Helen, thats a great help :) xx

Yep i was negative for Glandular Fever thank god. But i kinda wish it was positive so i would actually have a diagnosis!!! lol. I am trying to convince myself that its not cancer, the ones in my groin dont really hurt they just feel a bit tender when i press on them.

They were guna biopsy them but didnt think it was necessary as they 'probably arent anything' so why cut me open just to show that its exactly wot they thought! (virus), i just want answers, i hate the unknown, its what i fear most :(

Does everyone honestly agree that if i had lymphoma or any other kind of cancer then something would show up on my blood tests???????? The doc said they are not always accurate so this worried me even more LOL.

I just wish i could know for definate that it wasnt hodgkins or sum other cancer, im trying to tke my mind off it (just cooked a nice curry lol) but i feel this constant weakness and funy vision all the time, never goes away, surely anxiety cant give u symptoms that are CONSTANTLY there (even when im busy) ???

Oh and the area where the nodes are have stabby pains in that area and i ache all in that area too :( neck and groin :( I keep worrying that they are missing it and by the time it gets too far gone to be able to do anything about it :( I have a 2 yr old little boy and hes my world :( xxx

06-10-10, 23:35
Crazyhayz - my dad is battling lymphoma at present and i am sure if they thought you had it, then you wouldnt of been allowed out. His blood tests were also abnormal.

I know its hard not to worry and to think the worst

mandie x

07-10-10, 09:24
Thanks mandie. what did the blood tests show?? Has he got the same symptoms as me? Im just concerned coz im constantly getting strong weakness in my right hand and arm, its always there. even if i wake up in the night its still there :( Its deffo not anxiety, i also get bone pain, and tese are symptoms of lymphoma , hodkins etc. x

10-10-10, 09:32

The blood test would of shown very low white blood cells . Also platelet counts would be very low to.

But symtpoms would vary from person to person depending on which part of the body is affected.

mandie x