View Full Version : Do these symptoms sounds familiar?

cheesy pete
05-10-10, 18:57
I've been struggling with a number of things over the last few weeks and I am beginning to wonder which one is causing my symptoms or it is just my anxiety.

I had acid reflux about 4 weeks ago (thought I was having a heart attack). Had ecg and everything was fine and prescribed with lanzaprazole which generally seems to be doing the job.

The following week i felt like my ribs were being squeezed so i went to see the doctor who advised me everything was ok.

In the last couple of weeks, i have had a cold which has pretty much gone but left a nasty tickly cough which seems to have tightened up my chest in the centre especially towards the end of day.

Just at the stage where i don't know what is causing or if my anxiety is responsible for a lot of these symptoms. Always had a fear of having a heart attack and all of these things just seem to make these worse. Are these symptoms very similar to anxiety ones?

05-10-10, 19:55
The symptoms of anxiety are horrid and frightening arent they. Your cold will leave you tired too and that won't be helping the anxiety nor will stressful situations or emotional problems.

Try to rest and eat healthily to recover from your cold then see how you feel.

Good luckx

05-10-10, 21:57
Hi Pete, I would pop back to the GP to be honest as it could be a touch of asthma brought on by the recent cold.

I have found that its best tackling health concerns head on rather than brooding.