View Full Version : Mental Health Nurse Practitioner now on

05-10-10, 19:21
Hey Guys

Just wanted to say a quick hi and how is everyone, I have recently Joined as one of my Clients is on hear and said people need some proper medical information and it was a way to help of members that have problems with the medications of coping strategy's.

I Started studying medication at age 16 and last year completed my Phd in pharmacology and psychology I work in Leicester royal Hospital in the on-ward mental health team

qualifications include

BH Hons form Central Lancashire University
Masters form University of Birmingham
PHd from Queen Mary London university of medicine

So i will try as-much as possible to help in any questions

Regards Yusuf

05-10-10, 19:24
Hi yusuf

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

05-10-10, 19:31
And we all look forward to your wisdom to help us sort out our questions and concerns.

05-10-10, 19:47
What a brilliant idea to have you on board - I have a GP who rates this site too, she knows how much i value it!!!!

Look forward to your inputx

Vanilla Sky
05-10-10, 20:19
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

05-10-10, 20:30
Welcome. As much as I want to say huzzah. A part of me is concerned that we dont know you from adam, so any advice you are giving in regards to medication interactions etc could be incorrect.

05-10-10, 20:44
I don't want to appear unwelcoming at all but it would not be the proper thing to advise people on medication unless you have actually approached the owner of this site by private message..can I ask have you done this please?

If not I would suggest that you wait until you know whether you have permission to advise as any erroneous information given here could cause serious problems for forum users and the site owner.

05-10-10, 20:49
welcome on board great to have you hear:welcome::welcome::welcome:

05-10-10, 21:03
I agree with Ladybird and Vixxy.
Yusuf - Somehow I am not sure your employer would be too happy with you coming onto this forum & being so open and for offering to give out advice, especially regarding medications!?
You could be anyone...
I for one am very wary..
Just my opinion....

05-10-10, 21:08
Welcome to nmp x

05-10-10, 21:27
Hi Yusuf and welcome.

Can members not be so rude please.

05-10-10, 21:30
Hi Yusuf and :welcome:.Nice for you to spare us your valuable time . T/c Sue x

05-10-10, 21:31
I am not being rude - I am giving my opinion.

05-10-10, 21:31
Hi Yusuf and welcome too.

I'm a bit perplexed as I have been offering medical type advice on here and nobody has challenged me or shot me down that I may not actually be a nurse!! (I am incidentally and can give my NMC number by PM should anyone be worried, lol)

I prefer to give the benefit of the doubt, after all, advice is only a risk if you act on it, isn't it, and if you are in doubt...don't!

05-10-10, 21:36
Hi Yusuf - Welcome! :welcome::yesyes: :D

05-10-10, 22:05
Poppy with the greatest of respect, there is a mechanism for flagging posts/threads that you feel are suspect.

Giving "opinions" against other users always ends in tears, I am sure you understand :)

Going home
05-10-10, 22:05
I would really welcome being able to talk to someone about my medication sometimes as my doctor seems to be as ignorant as I am about it to be honest, and I never seem to get the answers I need, so its great that someone can advise us here, after all there are usually lots of threads from people anxious about their meds.

Anna xx :)

05-10-10, 22:34
Yusuf - I am very sorry if I have offended you. I was a bit concerned about your postings, however I can now see the error of my ways and I would like to offer you a Warm Welcome and look forward to all help that you may be able to offer the site.