View Full Version : Relaxation Techniques

05-10-10, 21:39
I just thought it might be good for everyone to write down a couple of things they use to distract and relax. Especially for other people who have only just started to suffer.

1. I do puzzles, such as suduko, or crosswords. It just helps to distract your brain in to thinking about something else.
2. Listening to the radio, and singing along to really rubbish songs. Makes me feel better.
3. Not always possible, but its always nice to have company. Having someone to talk to, or even just playing card games can relax me.

I also have a lot of trouble sleeping. I have a couple of tips for that too.

1. Burn Lavender oil by my bed.
2. Drink some Chamomile tea about an hour before I go to bed.

Anybody else?

05-10-10, 21:40
i do a deep relaxtion cd twice a day and rub lavender creams into my skin where im achey x

05-10-10, 21:46
Good tips oscar1, thanks.

I play a lot of internet games as a distraction, preferably word or number ones to get the brain concentrated away from my anxiety. It really helps. I also listen to the free relaxation podcasts available on itunes.

I know it sounds silly, but I also find the lavender shower gels by Radox really relaxing to start the day off, and like you say, camomile tea is good, just before sleep.

Basically I second what you said!! lol

06-10-10, 17:46
I use the comp to play word games or number games aslo and in the evening nice warm bath and i read a book in the bath get out ready to go to bed and get much needed sleep any tips on how to get motivated in the mornings i am not good then :)

06-10-10, 18:22
1. Lie down and listen to realaxation cd
2. Put ipod on and dance / cardio exercise
3. Play Bejeweled....i am hooked :)
4. Deep breathing exercises
5. Go to a dance class

07-10-10, 00:52
any tips on how to get motivated in the mornings i am not good then :)

I am also quite bad in the mornings, but I just force my self to get up as soon as I wake, and have a cup of tea, then I get washed and dressed when I've finished. It might not sound like great advice, but it helped me get into a routine and after a while the mornings were not so bad.