View Full Version : Chest infection and FBC

05-10-10, 22:12

I recently had some blood tests at the doctors which were to make sure my prostate was doing what it should. All of my tests came back negative and all seems well. One of the tests was a FBC (Full blood count??) which was fine apparently.

Wel.....I've had a terrible wheezing chest ofr about two weeks now and I can't get the fear of lung cancer out of my mind. I've never smoked and have always been moderately active (cycling and swimming). I can inhale fully but then end up coughing when I exhale, with a bit of a rattle in my throat lungs. I've been coughing up thicker than normal phlegm too (sorry). My question is would something have been flagged up in my FBC blood test if there was something amiss in my lungs??

Thanks for any thoughts.


05-10-10, 22:20
There is a virus going round that gave me a cough for over 3 weeks - you may have that.

05-10-10, 22:24
Hello Dan,

Sorry you are feeling under the weather. Lung cancer won't be picked up straight off by a FBC, only if it was more advanced and had already spread to (usually) the liver or something. A chest x-ray is the first diagnostic thing.

I'm not a doc, but to me your symptoms sound more seasonal chesty/virus like than anything else. With lung cancer you may have things like chest pain, coughing up blood, a long term cough.

If your chest gets more painful and you have D.I.B. and the phlegm turns green, see your GP as you may need antibiotics. I might even see them now seeing as you have had it for 2 weeks.

Try not to worry about anything more sinister, as this time of year there are a ton of viruses lurking.xx

05-10-10, 22:39
try not to worry about cancer hun, I am guilty of it too. every twinge i get, be it a headache, upset tummy or whatever I worry I have cancer and it's more than likely that you don't.
This time last year (before I suffered with anxiety and panic) I had a really really bad cold, which turned into a chest infection and I had a nasty cough for months, but because I was not suffering with anxiety I just accepted that it was just that, a cold and cough. After some antibiotics and an inhaler from the doctor, I made a ful recovery.
By all means go to your doctor, see if there is anything they can do and get yourself checked out again to rule anything sinister out and put your mind at rest, but tell yourself that coughs and colds are extremely common, especially at this time of year and you are a fit and healthy adult and your body will be able to cope and cure itself, given time.
Hope that's helpful :) feel better. xxx

05-10-10, 22:56
Thanks guys.

I'll give it a few more days and then go back to the docs if no improvement.


09-10-10, 20:09
Hey there.

I went back to the doctors yesterday and she listened to my back and chest.
She said that it sounded like a chest infection and gave
me Amox antibiotics.

Even though the doctor has said it's an infection,
I can't get the idea of something terrible being wrong
with my lungs out of my head.

The wheezing and cough seem just as bad after 2 days of
antibiotics...that can't be right can it? I'm really freaking out,
can anyone offer anything reassuring? At all?


paula lynne
09-10-10, 20:15
Hi, anti-biotics usually take a couple of days to kick in...take them on time and finish the course. Being in a steamy room helps breathing in the meantime, and I recommend Covonia for the irritating cough. Youll be fine in a few days Im sure x:yesyes: