View Full Version : ok ive gone schizophrenic?!!

05-10-10, 22:44
would appreciate if ANYONE at all could tell me they have been through similar.

the list of symptoms is

heard a ringing in my mind
heard a voice say hello in my head (did not sound like my voice)
seeing flashing of light
think i see people walking but there is no one there (lasts seconds)
thought i heard many voices talking at once for a moment

i have been really stressed and depressed lately. anyone shed any light at all!!

literally anything even if a friends cousins godfather had something similar let me know.

i really dont want a psychotic illness....not at 26 ..god life is unfair!

05-10-10, 23:51
The mind can play tricks on you, especially when you are full of adrenalin. If you are in a state of anxiety you have heightened senses, and your brain will translate false information. I have had all of the occurances you describe, and I assure you I'm not schizophrenic.

You'll be fine.

05-10-10, 23:53
there was a similar post today about anxiety and sleep...might have been on the symptoms forum..but the symptoms sound v similar x

06-10-10, 08:32
thanx so much for the words of encouragement guys