View Full Version : All sorts of unpleasant and scary symptoms

05-10-10, 22:48
Hi, I've been reading this forum for a while but this is my first post. Male, 35.

Last year, around about this time I was having panic attacks. At the time I thought it was a serious health issue, sometimes I thought it was a heart attack and other times I thought it was a stroke. I didn't realise that panic attack symptoms could be so severe, but by reading forums like this I realised that's what was happening and they pretty much went away. I didn't consult a Doctor.

But for the past month or so, I've been having terrible health anxiety. About 5 weeks ago I found a lump on my left breast and redness with heat, Googled it (I know, STUPID!) and convinced myself it was inflamatory breast cancer. It was checked out by the Doctor and he said it was just an infection and had antibiotics which cleared it up.

Unfortunately after this I then became ill with a very bad throat and ear ache. My stomach was also very painful after I ate. I did a bit of research and found out that my stomach problems were probably related to taking the antibiotics and my good bacteria needed replacing so ate of a lot of pro biotic yogurt which sorted that out. My bad throat persisted however, and about a week and a half ago I woke up with numbness and slight tingling in my left arm and left leg.

This really has set off an avalanche of symptoms which have really fead my anxiety which have included -

General chest pains

Cramp type feeling on the left side of my head near the top followed by a burning feeling that lasted for a few hours after.

Tightness and pain in the left side of my neck.

Numbness in my left cheek and around my left eye with my left eye feeling odd and slightly out of focus.

Not being able to sleep properly due to fear I will wake up having what I think is a heart attack.

Lower back pain which randomly crops up all over, had a very bad and painful twinge in my right hand side Saturday morning which stopped after I took some co-codamol.

A tender clicking / popping area where the back of my neck meets the collarbone.

A high pitched whistling in my left ear.

And today, just for more fun, I woke up at 6 o'clock with a pressure in my upper abdomen which I was convinced was a heart attack, and have been getting a sharp stabbing pain under my left breast a couple of times today. I think this might be down to my digestive system going crazy with all the stress and anxiety. It only lasts a few seconds and tends to happen just after I've eaten so think it's wind, but along with all the other symptoms I've had over the past week or so it's really alarming me.

I also feel generally VERY tired and just wrecked physically and emotionally, there's been a couple of times I've been very close to just bursting into tears from both the worry and frustration of it all.

I have noticed that I am very tense and my shoulders are pretty much constantly tensed up and I'm clenching my jaw without realising.

I'm hoping it's anxiety but obviously, the more symptoms and the longer it goes on the more I'm convincing myself it's something very serious.

It's really affecting my life, I'm starting to dread every day as I'm just scared as to what's coming next. I'm usually someone with a good sense of humour, but even that's starting to give in now. It's making me very miserable.

I have an appointment at the Doctors on Friday, I did have one yesterday but got so anxious I couldn't leave the house and almost had a panic attack (first in ages) so have re-scheduled. I'm terrified of Doctors anyway and this visit is going to be a nightmare for me.

I was wondering if anyone else has had all these symptoms in this space of time? Did you go to the Doctor and what did they do? What did you tell them? I'm afraid that they will try and rush me and I feel like I've got a lot to tell them, also would be interested to find out what might happen when I'm there so I can at least prepare myself.

Thanks for reading and I'll be really grateful for advice on this!

06-10-10, 03:41
Just want to say your not alone I have pretty much all of them symptoms plus other ones like dizziness and random Sharp pains but I also am obsessed with checking my heart its the worst feeling ever.

06-10-10, 11:28
Hi ajmorris and thank you for your reply. Although it's distressing to hear you're in the same boat as me,it's comforting to know that I'm not completely alone.

Can I ask how long you have had these symptoms for? Have you visited a Doctor with them? And if you did, what kind of questions they asked and what tests were done?

I also do occasionally dizziness and light headed but I put this down to panic as it's a very similar feeling as when I was having full blown panic attacks. It's the random pains and numbness that are really getting to me. I also spent about an hour checking my pulse on Sunday after my heart started racing for what seemed like no reason.

You're right, it is the worst feeling ever.

06-10-10, 11:34
Finally something I can relate to ! I have what I thinkis restless leg syndrome altho lately my anxiety is telling me otherwise , convinced Ive got DVT altho Ive had restless legs for years.

Ive got a reacurring sinus infection , which I thought was a tumor, causes dizziness, head , teeth pain , alll sorts of things , but I still cant relax !

Glad to know Im not the only one going thro this ! xx

06-10-10, 12:39
Wow - i've had all those symptoms, but you are far braver than me as I wouldn't dare go to the doctors! I've had chest pains for many years now but i've come to the conclusion it's muscular - i've got whooshing in my ear - had this for about 7 years - my doctor just told me that some people do and some people don't have this! I've got a really sore neck at the moment and i've convinced myself that I have neck cancer - this pain is like tension pain that spreads to my jaw as if i've been clenching it all the time (I thought I had tetanus!) I have problems with my stomach feeling bloated and this exacerbates my heart palpitations - i've cured this by not eating wheat. Sometimes I allow myself to get so anxious I don't know whether to laugh hysterically or cry or just run around like a lunatic to expel the tension i've created. It truly is horrible and unless you've felt it you cannot understand it - my husband just tells me to calm down! Try to remember that you are not alone - think about all the people around you who are well and you will find that statistically you are likely to live a long and productive life, regardless of what medical dramas and sensationalist magazines tell you! Good luck at the doctors and don't forget to tell him/her that you feel anxious as well as your physical symptoms, X

06-10-10, 13:17
Thank you both for relying, I really feel for you guys too, I would never have believed that something that is possibly just in my mind could produce such severe physical symptoms. I still can't fully convince myself I am not seriously ill and this is the only reason I am going to the Doctors. I'm hoping they will give me tests to show my heart is ok and I haven't got cancer which will put my mind at rest. Also I think I might need medication as I don't think I ever addressed the problems of my previous panic attacks properly and whatever was causing them has just been buried in me and is now coming back with avengence!

Thanks Kingswood. Unfortunately I have had a bad experience at this Doctors before, my usual Doctor has been very dismissive of me in the past, she's got a terrible bedside manner and just made me feel like I was wasting her time (previous depression about 7 years ago). This time I am seeing a different Doctor though so hopefully they will be a bit more sympathetic. I have made a list of my symptoms to take along. I will let you all know what the outcome of the visit was.

06-10-10, 14:18
Hi duggyfresh

Yes, I share all those sympoms to and have put up with them for several years but in recent months, I have convinced myself that I was going to have a heart attack or stroke.
In desparation, I went to the doctors and and told them that I was convinced that I had high blood pressure and was afraid of the consequences.
The doctor took my bp (it was high) and told me to moniter it at home for three weeks before my next visit. This I did. I became obsessed with taking readings. The more I monitered it, the higher it got; the higher it got, the more anxious I got! Vicious circle :unsure:
Anyway, my next appointment was with a different doctor who remembered me from years ago when I'd had a nervous breakdown. She reckoned that all my symptoms were down to anxiety. She prescribed beta blockers which tackle the high bp as well as the anxiety. She explained that as a result of axiety, my body was always in a state of 'flight or fright' and that I was constantly suffering the effects of too much adrenaline in the body.
Unfortunately, the beta blockers (propranolol) made me feel very sick (but not everyone suffers the same side effects). She has now put me on ssri meds (cipralex).
I have been taking them for a week and the chest/neck/head pain has eased of considerably and I am feeling less anxious about life in general.
I have also found that listening to relaxation tapes and breathing techniques to be beneficial.
Hope you have some success with finding plenty of answers. Nomorepanic is a godsend :)

06-10-10, 21:35
Thanks Jada, gives me an insight as to what my options might be. Had a bit of an odd day today, kept going from feeling fine to times like right now where it feels like I've been run over! Everything is hurting!

07-10-10, 22:01
I'm off to the Doctors in the morning and then to London for the weekend so probably won't get a chance tomorrow, but will post what happened after the weekend for those who are interested.

07-10-10, 22:05
Your symptoms can all be attributed to Anxiety Duggy .Nervous tension can cause a lot of discomfort .TRY to learn some relaxation techniques when you get back .it will really help .All the best Sue :D

07-10-10, 23:22
Thanks Sue. I've just bought the Audiobook of Dr Claire Weekes so am going to listen to that on the way. A lot of people on here have recommended it. Can you recommend other resources for relaxation techniques?

11-10-10, 20:00
Went to the Doctors on Friday morning. She was lovely and listened really well. She took my blood pressure which was 140/81 which she said was a little bit high but nothing to worry about (I was nervous). No medications though, she has given me a leaflet with a number to call (NHS 2gether leaflet) has anyone else had one of these and did it help? Haven't got round to calling it yet as have been away all weekend.

Still felt pretty bad all weekend, but was slightly re-assured by the Doc though. She said that because I'm getting all kinds of different symptoms and not one consistent one she believed it was HA.