View Full Version : finding a lump....

06-10-10, 13:18
The other day i found to what i believe is a lump on my left breast but then i think i just have lumpy boobs! but i have a doctors appointment at 3.... and i am sick with worry... i can't help but wanting to cry.

The thing that is keeping me sane is knowing there isnt trace of breast cancer in my family, i know it sounds silly but thats all i have.

Also i am very worried about diabetes... i am quite big but losing weight or atleast trying to.. i have to what appears to be some dirt on my back of my neck.... but obviously it isnt dirt but discolouration i googled it...(worst thing todo) and said it is one of the signs to diabetes..... i had blood tests not that long ago and they came out all ok.... but still the worry!

06-10-10, 13:48

06-10-10, 13:56
Thinking of you. Hope the doctor can put your mind at ease. :hugs:

08-10-10, 09:49
stats are on your side, 80% of breast lumps care cysts
also a lot of girls report lumps but a lot of the time they have been feeling glands. do you have big or small boobs? people with smaller boobs don't have enough fatty tissue around the glands and these sometimes get mistaken for lumps
feel your boobs again and instead of rubbing them make a walking step motion with your fingers