View Full Version : Health anxieties - struggling!

06-10-10, 13:23
Hi everyone, I'm new here and am really struggling to cope and stay sane.

I have always been a worrier and struggled with that. I experienced anxiety about 9 years ago when a long term relationship ended but never needed medication or therapy but the level of anxiety I'm experiencing now is new to me.

I've had a few health problems this year. This started with gynaecological pain (started last year) investigations in March. I convinced myself that I had cervical cancer, ovarian cancer etc and worried myself sick. I had every test imaginable and found that I have a fibroid. I then got a stomach ulcer from my pain medication in May and was taking Omeprazole for 3 months. Then I developed muscle pains and a stiff neck - probably because of the Omeprazole. I was given anti inflammatories and more Omeprazole to protect my stomach (due to my history), which really helped. However, I then developed a throat infection with swollen glands. I was given antibiotics and the infection seems to be going but I can't settle my mind at all.

I am thinking that I've got throat cancer now, or HIV/AIDS (even though the risk of this is extremely minimal) and I can't stop fixating on this. I have seen the doctor and she has reassured me that there is nothing seriously wron. All blood tests are normal, the throat infection has cleared up etc and that it is almost certainly not HIV/AIDS. She said that I could have a test but I know that I would just worry about something else then.

I am worrying myself sick that something is very wrong when, even I can see that my health problems are not linked and the chances are that I'm fine. I just wish I could feel well so that I could start to ease my mind. I have a constant knot in my stomach, pain in my neck and shakes etc.

I have now been given Propranolol tablets for the physical symptoms of anxiety and am awaiting a CBT referral.

I'm glad to have found other people with similar issues as I feel like I'm losing my mind. My partner is great but even he is starting to lose patience with me and cant't understand why I don't listen to medical advice etc.

Can someone please give me some comforting words to let me know that this will get easier please?

Many thanks for reading.

B xx

06-10-10, 13:31
I am exactly the same ! I convince myself Ive got cancer , HIV , DVT , Brain Tumor all the time , the slightest pain or ache and thats it Im dying ! Im constantly ringing my docs, and the NHS , Im sure we are on first name terms !

Its the worst feeling in the world and left to my own devices I can give myself a panic attack over anything !

I hate feeling like this , but reading other peoples posts before joining has really helped me ! I just have to learn how to relax myself and I dont push myself to do anything I think will trigger a panic attack,

At this moment I have a sinus infection which is causing head and tooth pain dizziness and basically all over body pain ! So thats not helping matters !

Its like my doctor said to me once ! its highly unlikely you are going to drop down dead ! Which gave me a little comfort , but Ive tried to STOp googling my symptoms , I would have every disease under the sun !

PM me anytime ! xx

06-10-10, 13:36
Oh hun I feel exactly the same I am just gettin over a throat infection too I felt so ill with it. I believe it will get easier I have overcome this once before and determined to do it again I don't know how just yet! But I will find a way. Keep strong xx

06-10-10, 19:58
Thank you both so much for your replies. I hope we are all feeling better soon. X

margaret jones
06-10-10, 20:06
Hi Bette welcome to NMP you will find lots of help and advice here you are certainly not alone with this H.A but you can and will get better Last year when i joined i was a total wreck and I have found so much care and help on this NMP forum that I am now so much better hang in there xxxxxxxx

06-10-10, 21:00
sounds like you are having a hard time, but hang in there. I've been battling with HA for several years now and it's got worse since my wife died of cancer a few years ago. It's great you are having CBT as it will help. I think the key is to recognise the fact that you are worrier. So there is a pattern here. Also, you ask us for reassurance or comforting words. Eventually you have to be able to reassure yourself - or at least recognise you are having an HA panic attack - as you will get to the stage where the more you keep seeking reassurance, the more you'll need.

So something triggers your health anxiety - maybe something you read or heard on the news. or a relative getting ill
You seek reassurance that it won't happen to you - maybe from the net, or via your GP
The more you seek reassurance, the more it feeds your anxiety and the worse it gets. Problem is, we now have access to SO much information online

Welcome to the vicious circle of health anxiety! It's bloody hard to deal with. For me , I feel better when I REALLY RECOGNISE I have a problem, live healthily, exercise and realise that nobody can guarantee I will never get ill. We are going to die of some disease someday

But, just for today, if you are feeling well, accept the fact that you probably are, and enjoy life. HA will take over your life if you let it

Imagine yourself at 90 years old, you are still alive, but you wasted the best years of your life worrying but your health. Not great, eh?

Love and support, Geoff