View Full Version : Tingling

06-10-10, 14:45
How many of us get this and where?
I get it without reason in my cheeks, hands and left side of back.

08-10-10, 15:55
I get it everywhere in my body and it can be all at one time to its horrible

08-10-10, 16:56
How long does yours last?
I've found my hands and face and back can tingle continuously for hours - days on end, sometimes it gets so bad it sends me into a right panic!
I've been getting it daily now, used to be constant dizziness and now it's manifested itself in this way!

12-10-10, 17:13
I have had mine on and off but mostly on for about two weeks now i too used to get the dizziness but that has gone now.
Do you get sharp stabbing pains or just tingling?

12-10-10, 22:02
I get this round my mouth and lips. It comes and goes during the day, and seemingly I have no control over it. I can't work out whether it is side effects of medication, or anxiety!

It's annoying, but manageable most of the time. But I hope it's not something that's going to stay with me for the rest of my life...

Sue x

blue moon
12-10-10, 23:44
Hello....Iget tingling around mouth and lips,I have been told that it is to do with our breathing,I also get it in head and whole face.:mad:
Petra x

13-10-10, 15:04
I get this in my hands and also around my eyes and mouth.. sometimes inside my mouth which feels really strange :wacko: but i only get it whilst in a bad panic attack so i know its just panic etc so it doesnt scare me..... its everything else that scares me lol x

03-01-11, 18:52
Been getting tingling in both hands, head, face and legs for couple days now. Not had these symptoms for quite a while and had forgotten how awful they were and how they worry me. Hence my search on NMP for other posts on the subject. Good to read others get the same BUT I'm not having a panic attack, hyperventilating or feeling particularly anxious (although do have some things on my mind?). Can this really be down to my underlying anxiety????

I do find that heat helps relieve the tingling, like a warm bath or even a hot water bottle on the affected area!

05-01-11, 23:27
I always get it in my lips and left side of face around my eye, and left hand. I have never understood why it is always. my left side???

06-01-11, 05:47
ive been getting tingling around my lips and mouth for the last 6 days, constant dizziness, when i move my eyes to much i feel sick, doc said come back in 10 days and will do some blood tests, i cant do anything being this dizzy its driving me mad, and feeling gets worse in the afternoon/ night time, 27 y old female.. :-(

06-01-11, 15:14
I get it in my hands, fingers, sometimes in my mouth, lips, cheeks, but nearly every day I get tingling down the left side of my back. always in the same spot! I'm starting to wonder if this is anxiety or some kind of trapped nerve or back issue bt I can always tell when I'm going to have an awful day with dizziness and nausea etc when I get the back tingles! Which is nearlyevery day these days!