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06-10-10, 15:50
hi, thought id join up really just so i can talk to people who may be going through the same thing as me and hopefully to get some advice, reassurance etc! I've always suffered with anxiety, and have always had quite a negative way of looking at things. I don't fully understand why it is that i get anxious, seems completely irrational, but i do know that it is generally related to being in social situations- meeting up with friends, going to work, alot of the time its the anticipation rather than actually being there. Lately it has gotten alot worse, more so to do with work. I work as a healthcare assistant at a hospital, there really isnt any reason for me to feel anxious because i like the job, and nothing seems to have changed since ive been there (almost a year), but for some reason i am now really struggling, cant sleep the night before going to work, waking up feeling sick, palpitations, also on the drive to work. Sometimes when i get there it eases off but comes back later in the shift, again i dont know what triggers it. Lately i'v had quite a bit of time off, had to go to the doctors and have now been taking cetalopram for nearly two weeks. I actually feel worse at the moment but then they do say you tend to feel worse before you feel better, hence im sitting at home writing this when i should be at work! I went in yesterday, on the drive there felt really sick, like i couldnt get my breath, then when i got there it eased off, but a few hours later i started feeling sick, sweating, shaking, and it was really embarassing because loads of people saw me crying, and i had to ask to leave, dont think my ward manager was very impressed. There were a couple of colleagues there who saw a side to me which i usually manage to hide. Alot of the time people see my smiling, singing, but really its all a front and i think that one colleague in particular was quite shocked to see 'the real me' and i even said to him- this is what i mean when i say im good at putting up a pretence, now youve seen the 'mad' side of me. Anyway, i'v had loads of days off, and a few where i'v gone in and then had to go home which is not only emabarassing but makes me feel like such a failure. I feel so out of control at the moment and scared im going to get sacked. I'm hoping the antidepressants will help at some stage but at the moment i definitely feel worse. I thought at the age of 28 id have got so much better but if anything im alot worse than ever and i cant even figure out why. All i want is to be able to go to work, be confident and not be controlled by this anxiety.
Anyway, on that cheery note, hello to everyone, if anyone else has any similar problems especially in regards to not being able to go to work, struggling in social situations id love to hear from you
Jem x

06-10-10, 15:51
Hi jemjam

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

06-10-10, 16:11
Hi Jem,

You're doing the right thing by trying to go into work. The last thing you want is for it to become an anxiety about work aswell. This happened to me in the past & so I've found that now it's always best for me to try to go to work.
If you can't cope & have to go home then at least you know that you've done your best. From the perspective of your work, they can also see this. Could you have a chat with you manager or HR person to explain what you're going through. It may help ease your worries. I can't see how they can sack you. You're going through a tough time & trying your best. I have always found my work very understanding. They also appreciate the effort that I make to come in when I'm in a bad way. Try not to worry about what other people think. Not everyone will understand what you're going through but anyone worth their salt would be sympathetic to someone in distress. Most of the time people are far too concerned with own lives to worry about yours.

I also don't think that it helps to be stuck at home on you own. Work can provide a distraction even if just for a small amount of time. However, it may be that you need a little break from work to take stock & rest. Perhaps you should talk it over with your doctor.

You sound exactly like me. It started off as me being a bit of nervous person, then morphed into being about social situations & then it just developed into full blown anxiety. As with you, there has never seemed to be any reason behind my anxiety. I really do sympathise.

I hope that you feel better soon.

Take care


06-10-10, 16:24
Hi and welcome to NMP x

06-10-10, 17:37
thanks for all the supportive messages, feels good to know that theres people out there with the same problems, sometimes it feels like youre the only one out there and everyone else seems to be getting on with life fine, so im not alone! I think i might go back to my doctors, hes not the best doc in the world, theres only 2 at my surgery cos i live in a little village and neither are brilliant, but im going to try and see if he will sign me off work just for a little bit while my medication settles in. Most of the people i work with have been ok about it all, especially one of my colleagues who spent some time with me yesterday telling me not to worry what anyone else thinks and she was very good in the way she asked me if i was diabetic would i take my insulin, i said yes and she said exactly, anxiety is a real illness and i shouldnt feel bad that i have to take medication for it, in fact iv spoken to a few people about it and its quite surprising how many people take them, and most of them (not to stereotype) you wouldnt think they would need them- always seem so confident and together so that just goes to show. The only person who was a bit rubbish was my ward manager as I had emailed her telling her my problem and asking to reduce my hours, and yesterday when i asked to see her and told her i felt unwell and would have to leave work she reacted like id never mentioned it before and just wasnt very supportive. But loads of other people have been so there you go! I just hope i can convince my doctor to sign me off for a bit, i hope he doesnt think im just doing it to try and get out of work, but i do think i need some time off to get used to the medication, cant keep going in to work and then having to leave!
thanks again for the words of support, really like this site x

Vanilla Sky
06-10-10, 21:10
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

Fly away Katie
07-10-10, 20:51
Helloooo and welcome to the forum x x x