View Full Version : Just been to the doctors.

06-10-10, 16:29
I didn't relise until now how crap nhs is.... basically i had an appointment today to check a lump i found on my breast....

now while being at the doctors i thought it was also a good idea to ask about some tests i could do because my periods are late.... i have hot flushes.... adrenaline head rushes etc...(im 22) so i don't think it is menopause even tho i mentioned it and i got the look of stupidity...

anyway the doctor bascially said to be a in a strong tone that i should never come with a bag of problems instead i should make an appointment for each problem.. as they only have 10 mintues with each patient... i get its a busy place.. but to make me feel guilty for wanting some professional advice.. and NO i didnt think it was best to make an appointment for each problem also she found it unbelievable for someone of my age asking to see a gyn to see if everything is going alright down there..

as anyone else had this?

also the doctor check both breasts and found nothing... of course i am not convinced after her poor understanding to the situation.... i really did think u had to stand up or lay down to check for a lump instead i sat and she used two hands.. but the lump i felt i could only feel when laying down... SOMEONE HELP?

06-10-10, 16:50
Could you maybe change your gp? Doctors should be more understanding and not so rude. X

06-10-10, 17:11
Is there another gp in the practice?
Chances are that it could be a small cyst that will clear up on its own...but for your own peace of mind, get it checked out again if its still there in a day or two. Be assertive and explain that you can feel it when you lie down. Insist on showing them exactly where the lump is by holding your finger on it and express how anxious it is making you feel.

Good Luck :hugs:

06-10-10, 19:01
Sorry you are having problems with your health and your doctor. It's doctors like that that make you feel too uncomfortable to get help:mad:

When i found a lump in my breast and went to the doctor, i had to lay on the bed/trolley, take my top off while she thoroughly check both breasts.

Take care:hugs:

06-10-10, 19:11
i was told by a new trainee GP that she could only deal with one problem at a time - i was only asking for a repeat prescription! Needless to say I went back to the nice helpful doctor who has a bit of commonsense and kindness.

I would swap doctors and get them to check properly, i had to lie down when I had my breasts checked and lift my arms over my head too xx

06-10-10, 20:07
i keep telling myself that she would of found something if it was there... but she didnt....

07-10-10, 00:03

07-10-10, 08:28

Go back and see another doctor. If you can feel a lump then for your own peace of mind get it checked again.

Some doctors can have no bedside manner! Im lucky i have a lovely gp

I had to lay down and put my arms over my head when i was being check to

mandie x