View Full Version : hospital with my daughter kerrylouise....

06-10-10, 17:27
well after a very shaky start :weep: i pulled it together :D and we made it....both confident and positive in thought!

kerrylouise was such a superstar....and had her radioactive injection without any fuss.....we had to wait for two hours and had something nice to eat at the bistro in the hosp.

went back and then the x/rays were taken....a long process but i sat with her and did not have an attack or feel anxiety at all!.....i am so chuffed with myself.

thank you everyone for all your support and help.....i know i was getting so many good vibes from you all :bighug1:

Hazel B
06-10-10, 17:30
Well done, I knew you would cope. It's the anticipation that's worse I think. You should be proud of yourself. x

06-10-10, 17:35
Well done You! and well done KerryLouise :yahoo:
When it really comes to it, we’re all far stronger and more capable that we think we are :winks:


06-10-10, 17:36
NIGEL.........thank you.........and i will pass on your "well done" to kerrylouise xxxxx

yes....you are so so right xxxxxx

thank you once again....im exhausted...but chuffed with both of us xxxxxx

06-10-10, 17:43
You should be SO proud of yourself!!
I am SOOOO proud of you and of Kerrylouise!!!

Please keep us updated on what you find out.
Still keeping Kerrylouise and you in my prayers.

06-10-10, 18:02
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh eeyore...please do keep us in your prayers...that means oh so much xxxxxxx

i have just given myself a pat on the back lol....and had a chocolate bar...well, i cant drink alcohol....so chocolate is a nice alternative xxxxxx

06-10-10, 18:04
Oh Tracey thats excellent news babe!!!!!!!!!! im so so so happy and glad you were both ok, ive got the biggest smile on my face now!!:)
I think that was the postitive you needes to help you along your way to recovery, keep that feeling of relief and achivment with you, but dont get to disheartened if you still have bad days because they do get less and less as the days go by.
Im so proud of you.
Sending lots of love to yourself and Kerrylouise. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

06-10-10, 18:06
Well done Tracey - when will Kerrylouise get her results? x

06-10-10, 18:07
:bighug1::bighug1:thank you sharon...and to each one of you for replying.........how caring you all are :bighug1::bighug1:i am going to think of this as new beginnings...but i know not to go over the top...small steps xxxxx

06-10-10, 18:09
hi jane...in about three weeks time...but this is the positive news......

they have said that each kidney should function at 50%....the radiographer said that one of kerrylouise's functions at 49% and the other at 51% which is just fine...she said that her urine tract infections maybe cause by bladder reflux and that they can do another test but this is not a problem and not to worry about it.....or they may leave and just see how things go....but at least her kidneys are in good order which is a WHOOP

06-10-10, 18:12
That's brilliant news xx

06-10-10, 18:26
That is great news :yesyes:

A big gold star for Kerrylouise and a massive cuddle :bighug1:

Carol xx

06-10-10, 18:30
:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:WELL DONE to you both ..That is wonderful news .Ive been thinking of you both all day .Now get yourself an early nite and get yourself well again Tracey .:bighug1:hugs to you both luv SueXX:bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

06-10-10, 18:53
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH .........THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!:bighug1::bighug1:isnt friendship a wonderful thing xxxxxx to share in the not so good times but to equally share in the good times xxxxxx

06-10-10, 20:47
well done you :yesyes:
and big :hugs: for both of you

eternally optimistic
06-10-10, 21:03
Well done Calm,

Glad you got through it, and all very "calmly" too - you're showing off now - LOL.

You even managed something in the restaurant, that sounds like someone very much in control.

Good on yah girl :D

06-10-10, 21:22
Thank you Rach and Jackie xxxxxx i knowwwwwwwwwwww - to eat in the bistro was a biggy so two ticks today.....i do hope and pray that tomorrow is just as good xxxxx but as i always quote a dear friend .....small steps xxxxx

this may sound really really strange but i dont want today/this evening to end xxxxxx

thank you so much for all your support xxxxxx

06-10-10, 21:55

Well done my special friend...

Have a relaxing night's sleep, and we'll talk in the morning...

Love you loads...

Sue x. :flowers:

06-10-10, 22:15
Thank you so much inspire xxxxxxx:hugs:

Kerry B
06-10-10, 23:02
Oh Tracey I have just pm you but am so happy for you and kerrylouise.

You did it so proud of you, you are doing better than you think.

Love and Hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

blue moon
06-10-10, 23:13
I wish you love and sending you my prayers and big hugs:bighug1:Take good care of Yourself
Love Petra x:flowers:

07-10-10, 08:55
Brilliant news, you did so well xx

07-10-10, 16:51
Thank you kerry, petra and carol....your message are oh so lovely to read...thank you once again xxxxxx:hugs: