View Full Version : Health anxiety makes me feel....

06-10-10, 18:46
The main thing I hate about health anxiety is that it cripples me. What I mean is that I shut down. I get so focused on a symptom and it sucks me into it's ugly cycle. I start to think about what I might have...then I picture my sweet babies and husband and I curl up even tighter in that ball I have formed of my body. Once that smptom leaves...another shortly follows and it is a on-going process of terror, frustration and horror. It takes my joy, my peace, and my love for life and squashes it to nothing. It causes me to withdraw from my sweet husband and babies and I avoid my friends and family. I feel so alone in my own little world thinking that I have the ability to diagnose myself with every disease under the sun. Why does anxiety bother me? Am I that weak? I have suffered so long. When will it leave FOR GOOD? What can I do to "fix" it? I am so exhausted from the pain it causes. Am I alone?

06-10-10, 19:44
ooo god hunni u sound so like me, i just live with the hope that one day i will look back after getting the right help and be able to remember my health anxiety as being a bad part of my life. I two have a gorgeous supportive hubby and two children and im the same i sit and wonder every day why me and am i ever getting back i sit and cry all the time xx we will get through this hun x

06-10-10, 19:51
no your not alone because you have described me exactly and it has give me some comfort that i am not alone i do exactly what you do i withdraw from the world into my own full of worry and uncertainty and is ruling my life i get a symptom focus on them then diagnose myself then i get the rest of the symptoms then freak out its a constant exhausting battle x

06-10-10, 20:17
Thank you all for your posts. It is comforting to know I have others to talk to.

07-10-10, 20:19
You are describing health anxiety perfectly and its horrible. I have had it since I was a child and am now 49 yrs old. I had breast screening mammo and ultrasound and had to wait 2 weeks all told for results of tests to be given all clear and I said to myself that if I didn't have breast cancer ( my mother died of it so big dread) then I would stop worrying and live my life and be happy. I managed a couple of days! Then I hurt my ribs and got the burps and richoched from heart to stomach cancer etc etc so like you say you get one worry out of the way and then other symptoms or strains come along and back to square one again.

I have tried all the therapies and although i understand the whys and wherefores of health anxiety and can sort of manage it better at times there is no miracle cure for me- one therapist told me its a case of managing it with your Drs as best you can!

Ask for therapy and you might be one of the lucky ones whose ha is shortlived I so hope so for you.

08-10-10, 11:07
I feel exactly the same - I cry some days at the horror of my children seeing me die of a horrible disease - I have 3 young girls and I start to think about all the things I will miss in their lives and how they can carry on without me - then I read those articles in papers about women who die of cancer and leave messages and videos for their kids and that sets me off again until I am like a rabbit caught in headlights. It does take you joy - I have begun to understand that it is almost as if I am sabotaging myself with my thoughts - if I am enjoying something and don't worry I suddenly remember that I should be worried, and how dare I forget and have fun!! I have found making a playlist of all my most favourite and uplifting songs has helped - I put this on at full volume and make all the kids dance and sing with me! Don't forget you are not alone and just talking about it with like-minded people will help you. XX

08-10-10, 13:20
I went through the same thing. I eventually got some help at my local doctors and had some CBT sessions. It was definitely a massive boost in overcoming the anxiety. Try and do it sooner rather than later. I gather the longer you delay sorting it out, the harder it becomes to control.

On a more positive note: Although I still get a few setbacks, I have had long periods of time with no problems, and have enjoyed feeling 'normal' again. It can be done, it's just very hard. For me now, I know I can come out the other side and feel good again, so I don't let it hold me back too much anymore.

Keep positive :)

08-10-10, 21:34
The best thing to do besides CBT, is try not to ruminate about the symptoms. I used to do this and it just puts the focus on what you are worrying about. Try distracting yourself, and focus on other people.

08-10-10, 21:36
How do we go about getting CBT? Asking the doctor, heard it's like a 6 month waiting list, my friend got put down for it and now she doesn't even want to go!

08-10-10, 23:24
I was lucky. I asked for help and it just so happened that a new girl was half way through training and was doing it as a job between studying. I don't know how long it would have taken but for me it was a week. Very very lucky. Different areas will be be a factor too I'm sure.

Distractions are good but don't get to the root cause. The sessions I had helped me understand why I was having so many health issues and was afraid to go out etc. I learnt to correct my thinking and change my view on what I thought was a negative experience into a positive. Sounds silly but it really does help. I wouldn't be here trying to help you guys if I never did it and would probably be here looking for help. If you can get some sessions on the NHS, I highly recommend it.