View Full Version : seroxat and pansoprazole?

06-10-10, 20:29
ive een diagnosed with a hiatus hernia and gerd im on seroxat for anxiety and now on pansoprazole fro the gerd, i took it at 5 oclock today and i ahve now got a bad headache, wondering if its a side effect or the seroxat and pansoprazole are interacting......
please help

06-10-10, 20:37
I don't believe there are any interactions between these two (it's Lansoprazole by the way :)).

It could just be a headache, there doesn't need to be a specific cause..I have got a real thumping headache at the moment!

06-10-10, 21:02
thankyou ladybird, the meds are pantoprazole, are you on them?

06-10-10, 21:06
Ah, sorry for the confusion. :)

No, I take Lansoprazole, something very similar. I had a sneaky peak on the internet though, not a problem for me because I don't have HA. :winks:

I couldn't see that the two meds together would cause problems but having said that, It's always best to ask your pharmacist hun. :flowers:

06-10-10, 21:23
are you on seroxat too, i tried lansoprazole but made me very dizzy, this onrs given me a headache!!!

06-10-10, 21:39
No, I'm on Citalopram. Maybe your headache is caused by something else though? Could be something as simple as changeable weather or tiredness. :)

06-10-10, 21:54
probably!! its very warm tonight and im on so could be it plus worrying about taking the tablet as i have a phobia of new meds, how long do they take to work? did you get any side effects?

06-10-10, 21:58
I don't believe there are any interactions between these two (it's Lansoprazole by the way :)).

It could just be a headache, there doesn't need to be a specific cause..I have got a real thumping headache at the moment!

I hope you feel better after a good night's rest ladybird...

Sue x. :flowers:

06-10-10, 22:04
probably!! its very warm tonight and im on so could be it plus worrying about taking the tablet as i have a phobia of new meds, how long do they take to work? did you get any side effects?

I have been on the Lansoprazole for years, no side effects.
Bet you have a headche because you're worried! Take some nice deep breaths, relax your shoulders and a cool flannel/facecloth for across the forehead.
I should take my own advice! :D I'm sure you'll be fine. :flowers:

06-10-10, 22:06
I hope you feel better after a good night's rest ladybird...

Sue x. :flowers:

Aww thanks Sue. I had the flu jab today so there might be a connection there..no matter, it will ease off soon. :)

06-10-10, 22:11
Aww thanks Sue. I had the flu jab today so there might be a connection there..no matter, it will ease off soon. :)

Ok, keep smiling honey...

Sue x. :flowers: