View Full Version : scared and alone

06-10-10, 22:18
I just feel so scared and alone right now, have loads of things happen in my life sometimes i can push them away but they always come back to haunt me big time. I should forgtet them.

Just lately they are there at the surface causing me to panic, be anxious, and fed up!! Im so tired and just want these thoughts feelings to go awy. Im scared.

I have aslo had a few changes happen recently and im not very good at dealing with changes find this really difficult so this doesnt help either along with the other stuff going on. oh never mind talking rubbish ignore me.

06-10-10, 22:24
Hey hun

You're not talking rubbish. Change is really difficult to cope with for some people and i know i would be the exact same.

Try to deal with one thing at a time (easier said then done huh?) But it really does work. Number your worries from 1-10 and sort them out in order.

You are not alone hun, you got us lot so try not to panic.. we will help you along.


06-10-10, 22:27
Of course we won't ignore you :hugs:

This is the place where you can talk safely and let off some steam, have a moan, tell us when you feel good.

Firstly, your thoughts. trouble is, the more we ignore them the more they demand out attention so maybe you need a way of dealing with them?

Have you had any kind of therapy or counselling to help you? It would probably be a good idea to go and see your GP and tell him/her what you have told us here.

You are obviously trying to cope with a heck of a lot at the moment and when we are feeling depressed or anxious everything just seems to much to deal with.

Keep posting here there will always be someone to offer advice and pay a visit to your doc.

Take care :flowers:

06-10-10, 22:27
hi thanks lisa for such a lovely reply and advice, its just me being stupid, making a fuss, over reacting and ll that. I should be fine and able to just get on with it. im not very good at explaining myself very well. its just seems too much at the moment but maybe numbering it all and dealing with one thing at a time may help. I just feel like ive taken a big step back and cant get up again!!

06-10-10, 22:39
thanks lady bird also for the support.
I am terrified of the GP and so will not be able to go. as for therapy again i am so scared and havent yet managed to get over this fear either. I have tried in the past but couldnt do it. Sounds stupid i know!!

Things is i guess ive always just got on with it on my own and to scared to even look at any issues i guess or to trust anyone.

its strange isnt it how we can put on a front with others pretend evrythings fine when you know its not. Things is im not doing a very good job of hiding it anymore and people are starting to notice but dont want them to which then makes me not want to be around anyone and i dont want to resort to that as working and studying etc i have to be around people and often because of the work and study i do it brings up some past stuff i dont ant to revisit.

06-10-10, 22:46
Hi hun

Don't worry..I'm good at giving out the advice but not following it myself! .:blush: I only went to see my doctor about my depression this year, I had been suffering from anxiety and agoraphobia for years!

I didn't do therapy..a personal choice for me but mainly because I didn't feel happy to talk about my issues to a stranger.

It's only a suggestion (don't want you to think Im a therapy freak, Im not!) but what about one of the online CBT courses? The type you can do yourself without having to see or speak to anyone?

I know there were some links here somewhere on the site but gawd knows where.

I know one was called "living life to the full" and I think the other was "moodgym"

I still think you should visit your GP though hun..believe me I know how awful it is if you don't trust them or want to get them involved.

Have a think about it :flowers:

PS. If I remember rightly, the courses are free

06-10-10, 23:02
Hi ladybird thanks for the advice. didnt think about doing anything on line before maybe ill pluck up courage to check something out sometime thanks tc