View Full Version : Really struggling to cope

06-10-10, 22:19
I have been told by my GP that my symptoms are all down to anxiety and have been prescribed propranolol (80mg) for the physical effects. Does anyone now how long this will take to kick in? I started it yesterday at 10am and had an horrendous afternoon. I then started to fell better from about 7pm until about 11pm. Today I took it again at 10am and felt a bit better from 6pm until about 9pm. Does it take time to get into your system? I've read posts (not here) by people saying they're taking it for exam nerves etc.

I really can't cope any more and am thinking of going to A & E. I've got neck pain, sore throat (but have recently had tonsillitis), uncontrollable shivering, a knot in my stomach, nausea (including that awful 'juicy inner cheek' feeling - sorry, can't think of a better description) and I just can't relax. Is this really anxiety or have I got something terribly wrong?? I've had blood tests etc and all AOK. My GP isn't concerned and is certain that it is all anxiety related.

I'm so scared!

06-10-10, 22:25
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii bette

oh my love....starting any new drug is scary!....and sometimes the side affects can be awful xxxxxx

if you think that you may need to go to A & E then do...have you someone that can go with you xxxxxxx

im so so sorry i couldnt help anymore...but we are all with you xxxxx it probably is due to anxiety.....but as i said....if you think you should get checked out then do xxxxx

please let me know how you get on xxxxxx

blue moon
06-10-10, 23:34
Hello Bette.I suffer from anxiety and used to take meds for it,I used to go a GP all the time as I thought there was something else wrong with me,my husband agreed and told me to change GP's.That is when she had lots of tests done and thats when they found I had Lupus.Never not go to the hospital sometimes it is more than just anxiety.
Take Care of YOU.
Love Petra x:flowers:

06-10-10, 23:43
hi i started taking propranolol about 4 weeks ago at first i felt ill for the first 2 weeks and also really tired. but i must say i'm feeling alot better than i have for along time. try not to worry your symtoms do sound like anxiety, sending big hug your way. gail x

06-10-10, 23:49
Hi Bette,

I'm so sorry you're feeling so ill and scared right now...

I take Propranolol, 40mg twice daily. This was prescribed approximately weeks ago by my psychiatrist.

I have had some side effects from this medication, but although my anxiety is still quite high, more often than not, it is manageable.

Whatever the outcome, please keep us all posted, to let us all know how you're doing.

Along with special thoughts, I'm sending you positive vibes, and healing hugs.

Feel free to PM me at anytime.

Sue x. :flowers: