View Full Version : fed up

06-10-10, 22:59
Im just well fed up, had enough, alone, whats the point, why now? again!! all these questions going in my head. Im tired need to sleep. Need to snap out of tis stupid mood ive got myself into and plodd on but its hard, dont want these feelins, dont want to go back there again!! thats where im heading trying to fight it but its tough and how do you do it? sorry ill shut up.

07-10-10, 07:37
I'm so sorry you are feeling so poorly right now!
Keep posting and asking for support!

07-10-10, 13:02
thanks for the reply and welcome tc

07-10-10, 19:21
Hi ljd,
:welcome: to NMP!
I’m sorry you’re having a tough time of it at the moment. Hope today has been a better one.

Sometimes it’s not easy to just ‘snap out of it’ – if only it was – so treat yourself kindly until it the worst of it passes. Aim to get through the day one hour at a time.

Take care :)

07-10-10, 19:28
Thanks for the reply nigel. Dont know how i managed to get through today had a lot on but got through it, am so tired now though.

07-10-10, 20:28
hi, this is the kind of state im in at the moment too not depressed yet just down and fed up. i wake thinking no not another day. no matter how much sleep i get its never enough. just trying to keep things straight in my head as i know it doesnt always feel like this and hoping its enough to keep me going till the days dont seem so bad.
just try to keep going but also be kind to yourself. sleep if you can because you can think clearer when you arent tired. one day at a time.
try to discuss some of the questions with someone even if you dont expect them to understand , it really does help sometimes just to say them outloud.
take care x

07-10-10, 21:04
Hi Kali,
Thanks for the reply. I am sorry you are feeling like this too. Your right it doesnt always feels like this just when your in it its hard!!!

I need to snap out of it as just got myself in this stupid mood and rubbish place.

08-10-10, 12:20
Hi ljd and Kali
I'm sorry that you're feeling a bit down just now - I've been feeling a bit rotten this week too. It's like a bad mood that just won't lift, as much as I would dearly love it to.Probably started when I knew I had to go into a big city shopping centre earlier this week which I really don't like doing much these days. I'm not great in busy places, big crowds or in long queues (and I had to go to Primark which is always busy!) When I felt bad about feeling like that, I started to get a bit down about it all as I feel kind of ridiculous - I'm a grown woman with 2 kids! However, your posts have helped me realise that I'm not alone. Hope you will both be feeling a bit better soon. Take care.:) x

08-10-10, 18:24
Hi ljd and Kali
I'm sorry that you're feeling a bit down just now - I've been feeling a bit rotten this week too. It's like a bad mood that just won't lift, as much as I would dearly love it to.Probably started when I knew I had to go into a big city shopping centre earlier this week which I really don't like doing much these days. I'm not great in busy places, big crowds or in long queues (and I had to go to Primark which is always busy!) When I felt bad about feeling like that, I started to get a bit down about it all as I feel kind of ridiculous - I'm a grown woman with 2 kids! However, your posts have helped me realise that I'm not alone. Hope you will both be feeling a bit better soon. Take care.:) x

Oh my god, PRIMARK is awful! It's so busy and everyone bangs into you and it's just panic central for me!
Hope everyone starts feeling better soon!

20-10-10, 21:48
Hi Baggie thanks, sorry to hear your ot having a great time either your not alone with it. Just try and focuson the good times and how you got there what you did. tc

21-10-10, 14:05
Oh my god, PRIMARK is awful! It's so busy and everyone bangs into you and it's just panic central for me!
Hope everyone starts feeling better soon!
im with u both on that! i hate going to primark :scared15: it never fails to bring my panic on

21-10-10, 14:07
hope u feel better soon! i am going through the exact same thing, i dont even want to get up anymore :weep: take care x

22-10-10, 20:59
thanks joe sorry to hear your feeling the same way to guess your not alone. Keep oing and try use the positives ocs everyones got some tc