View Full Version : DESPARATLEY SEEKING ASHLEY..god help me.

07-03-06, 19:20
I woke up this morning after a couple of days thinking about it,i decided to go to town
I walked up the road, that was ok . waited for the bus not bad, then my breathing changed . i wasnt even panickey at that stage so why dont it attack me then..breathing was in my throat if you understand me.
Got on the bus felt every so fidgety, still carried on my journey not feeling good, jumping inside when the bus went over a mere bump(whats happened to me).
Got to town got of the bus head was pounding---due to glue ear i have--- but im now thinking different, walked up to the trinty centre where they do spitual healing and help you with anxiety wanted some information, it was all so painful , even waiting for the lady to come and talk to me because i wanted to dash,.
Anyway i left the shop did some shopping,all the time feeling awful,i mean nasty,popped in to my mates cafe and had a cuppa tea, sat down was spaced outbreathing wasnt proper atall, i hear myself sounding nervous ya know.

I keep getting pauses in between beats, like my heart is pausing for a second before the next beat????????????

Left the shop and walked up towards my sons school,still feeling terrible, kept thinking i am never going down town again, not a good thought is it.
Got up to the school and was waiting for my son to come out and a few mothers said hello to me, i said hello but was so spaced out,it was all wierd every where ..like i wasnt seeing things correctly-- like i was on drugs or something, thats the only way i can explain it... i have felt all this before wheni had anxiety but man this is behond ..im losing it,i am going mental ... i tell ya i am F***ing losing the plot...pains in my body,,, especially my back ...really bad..pains in my chest.

I walked down the road with my son and i got my warning , a tingle in my knee i knew then that it was going into a full a full panic attack, although i managed to stop it, dont know how.

Got to the bus stop , and went straight home , but the journey was long... what does this mean i cant even go into town now without acting like a freak or something, i cant handle it.

I want my mum to come over and stay, not that she really gets what im going through bless her but at least soemone is there.
I know most of us on here have kids and they have to cope , but im on my own - single parent and although my cousin could stay the odd night, most of my family are commited to thier familys.
I need some one here while i am in this bad period as i am truley truley bad you know- i sit on my own sometimes.with my hand on my face, feeling totally scared like a whippering child.

I cant stand it, im even late in my periods too( and no it is pregnancy you guys, ant been near a man---do my head in)
i am losing it, i cant cope .

If it isnt my heart, its my breathing.. oh but they may be connected mighten they ASHLEY stupid thick pathetic ashley.... i cant take it anymore.. i just cant--- im dying , this ant right,, brain tuma , who knows

Take ya pick ashley, im sorry everyone for sounding of and being foolish in what i am saying but im not in my right mind atall.

Check this at one point i was in the libary,and the liberian showed me to a perticular section and it was so dark there, and i couldnt stand it-- and was saying why is it so dark, its so dark... like some kind of child..

jack,marcia everyone what am i going to do.im trying to help myself but nothink is working.

ash x

07-03-06, 20:01
i no you wont like this but you make me laugh you are a wee geg.

the not reality thing is definitely the derealisation many people talk of.

the chest pain you no is my favorite as are the pause between the beats both of which a close by every day of my life

as for the no partner thing. could you not trail some mug of the street with a bit of money preferably to come in and keep you company. i did that, and married him too. ill get rid of him when i am better. lol not really actually but you no what i mean

has the book arrived yet. when it comes you will see how she talks of people who become so tricked by their nerves that they hate to go outside. she will help you deal with this and make you see you are not alone . and that although you are a bit cookoo you are not totally dolally.lol

im only joking really. i hope this helps. probably not but at least you no i am thinking of you

07-03-06, 20:42
keep calm buddy im always here for ya. we are all in the same boat. chin up chicken

08-03-06, 05:55
I am sorry to hear that you're having a bad time right now! I know that it seems like it will never get any better sometimes but it will. I read thru your post thinking - man have I been there!! It's all so disheartening when you are in the middle of it and it just takes over your whole mind and body like that. The only thing that I can tell you from experience is that you have to just keep at it. You can't back down and say that you won't go out again or that you won't go to a certain place again because that only feeds the fear. The fact is YOU MADE IT THRU!!! with all the physical symptoms that you were having and all the discomfort about the situation - you still managed to make it and get stuff done and you didn't back down from it. I know that you felt bad while you were doing it but BRAVO for making it.
It will get easier each time because now you can say - panic gave me it's worst and I still made it!!!


If the world didn't suck... we'd all fall off :)

Ma Larkin
08-03-06, 10:14
Ash, you're not stupid, pathetic or foolish woman!! You are suffering alone, just like me (apart from my very good friends on here), I'm a single parent as well with 3 kids ranging from 17-5 (call them my little swamp ducks - sommat I picked up off Corrie; its what Jack calls Vera lol!!) I get the spaced out feeling all the time, its almost as if I'm on meds & i'm not on any at all, its a weird feeling, almost a chilling out feeling, but too chilled out if you know what I mean, but with the breathlessness which feels like its in my throat & racing heart jumping about all over the place.

Anyway, going back to what Jackie said, don't drag one mug in off the street, get two so I can have one haha!!


08-03-06, 12:27
aw ash your a going through hell.being alone through this with kids is no fun .i been ther.but its amazing how we actually do get through each day.you should giv yourself credit for bringing up your kids on your own thats no easy task.everything u describe is pure anxiety .i get really bad wen im out im trying to work on that aswell at momeny.did you go to doc about som help cbt or counsilling as that would help you.take care marcia xx

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

08-03-06, 12:45
oh ash,i am sorry you feel so s####y.It was apanic attack,and every one of those symptoms i have felt,and so has every one on this site.But hey girl,u carried on ,you did it,u didnt run did you,WHAT AN ACHIEVMENT!!!I am very proud of you.That has happened to me in town and i wanted to throw myself off a balcony i was in such a grip of terror.Stupid me stopped going to town ,takin the bus etc,so now i am agoraphobic.DONT DO WHAT I DID ASH PLEASE!I now can get out a bit and am making strides 4wards,but if i hadnt given in ti the fear i wouldnt be in this situatioin would i??So be proud of yourself you are one gutsy lady.Love Mary=Rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

08-03-06, 13:05
Hi mary.
Im in such a state its unreal,and i just dont know weather the beta-blockers have helped or not.
Im in the hightest levels of anxiety( 10 mostly) throughout the day with maybe 3 hours total,in which i am kinda normal, i said kinda....

I am in so much pain aches and pains ,all the symtoms all at once...including my breathin and eptopic beats being the worse symtom.

ash x

got to get my son , soon ant looking forward to that

08-03-06, 13:42
it is awful that hightened state of being!all the aches and pains can be a part of it too,there is a theory goin about that we are all evolving into a higher entity?????????????Light workers they call people like us,i have read some books on it and it all sounds plausible,kinda makes us special actually!!!If u want to PM me ever feel free sweetie.love M'rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx