View Full Version : Does anyone else panic whilst driving?

cheesy pete
06-10-10, 23:45
Does anyone else get panicky especially when they are driving? I have to drive long ish distances every other weekend to pick up the kids and i hate it especially when i'm on my own that something is going to happen to me.

Happened tonight (at one of the kids parents evening) and my acid reflux is playing up badly so thought like i was going to have a heart attack driving home. What do i do? Do i stop and phone someone? All these thoughts going through my head. Anyway i've made it home but i am fed up worrying on these journeys.

Anyone got any suggestions?

06-10-10, 23:49
When you get chance have a read of this:


Some of it may help - skip all the replies and just read the posts I do on there.

cheesy pete
06-10-10, 23:59
Thanks Nicola,

That is really useful advice. Mine seems to be hit and miss and is really dependent upon how i feel. If i feel poorly or any twinges and stuff i think the worse. Sometimes it is worse when i have the kids in the car with me - all i can think is that i have to get them home.

Scary stuff but as you say - i have do this otherwise i would never get to see them. It's what keeps me going.

07-10-10, 11:18
Panic can strike anywhere... I don't have a fear of driving but I did experience anxiety and/or panic attacks while driving. The worse one was on a highway, with no place to pull over, going about 150km/h. Thankfully I had some friends with me and they kind of snapped me out of it, although I didn't say anything. Probably my face told the story. I did notice though that I get more anxious when I have passengers, because I worry about their safety in case I flip out or smth. When I'm alone its usually fine, except for isolated times when traffic blockages make me histerical. I close my windows and find a good tune on the radio and sing along with it. It looks a little weird from the outside, but it helps. Great posts by Nicola!