View Full Version : Hi all- I suffer from panic attacks

06-10-10, 23:49
Hello everyone,

I suffer from panice attacks. It starts when I worry about the future. When I have anxiety, the panic typically follows, and I don't have anything to worry about, but I just worry, my cup overflows, and a panic attack begins!

For instance, I am going to a baby shower on Sunday, and because I have been super anxious, I keep thinking that i'm going to have a panic attack while I'm there because I'll be out of my element... Let me explain one thing, I am usually super comfortable in most situations. You could take me anywhere and I'd be fine!

I am really sensitive to change, and I recently started a promotion in work which has been causing the anxiety. Does anyone have any tips on how to avoid feeling panicy pre-baby shower? I know that panic is just adrenaline and I have to tell myself that I am ok, and I will do fine, but as we all know it's easier said that done.

The LAST thing I want to do is avoid situations because of this. Can anyone help? Thanks, and I hope you are all well!

ps... I have a blog that has chronicled my struggles with OCD and anxiety, it's called lollyshope.blogspot.com. Follow if you'd like, hope to hear from you soon!


07-10-10, 00:15
Hi Lolly, :welcome:

I'm a bit like you...very sensitive to change and new situations. Once there, I too am fine, but it's the anxiety, and the apprehension that is so debilitating.

I've a 60th Birthday party to go to this Friday, and I'm really worried about what MIGHT happen, instead of it most definitely will NOT!

I suffer from Social Anxiety, (amongst other disorders) so this will be another tremendous stride forward, if I can just simply accept, and enjoy the celebration.

Easier said than done, eh? :)

So, we're both in a similar situation. All I'm going to do is - go with the flow, and whatever happens...happens!!! :wacko:

Keep me posted.

I'll take time out to read your blog...

Take care,

Sue x. :flowers:

07-10-10, 00:21
Thanks, Sue. I appreciate your support. It's funny how you get anxious about certain places, events, even though you thought of enjoying them just days before. Take care, and I will definitely keep you posted. Oh, and thanks for checking out my blog. I really want to try to use it to help others, as well as myself. Be well.

07-10-10, 10:49
bailey - I can totally relate! I have to attend a baby-shower on saturday and i'm very anxious about it :(. I think I'll just turn myself into a vegetable by doubling my ativan dosage on that day, and just try to cruise through the day. Anyway, I understand you perfectly and you're not alone!

07-10-10, 11:33
Thanks Skin... I know what you are talking about, I take Ativan as well, it's my "break glass in case of emergencies" drug. I am currently not on any other medication. Check out my blog sometime, if you'd like... I created it this week and it is chronicling me through this journey, hopefully to help others in the process. Be well, Skin, hope Saturday is a good day for you!

