View Full Version : Still extremely worried i have so many symptoms!

07-10-10, 00:14
I know Anxiety can cause many different symptoms but why am i convinced i have a deadly incurable disease or something?

I think it's because i have a lot of symptoms and i am experiencing things i have never experienced before and it is very scary.

Some of my symptoms seem weird, They include:-

I feel like my mouth/fascial muscles are weak or wasting.
Difficulty swallowing.
I feel like there's something very bad in my throat that just won't budge.
I have a constant dull ache/pain/pressure in my face around my cheekbones and near my ears and it hurts more when eating and can hurt when talking.
My tongue seems to twitch, It tingles a lot and it feels odd and numb too.
I keep getting constant twitching in my lip which only started today and has got me really worried.
My arms/legs feel heavy/weak like they are going to give way or like i am suffering from muscle weakness/wasting.
Pins and needles in my hands and feet.
Cramps mainly in my left leg.
Tingling in my face, arms, legs and other areas.
Twitches in my face, arms, legs, eyes and other random areas.
Eye pain.
Pain and stiffness in my neck and pains in my back, elbows and knees (I seem to get quite a lot of knee pain.)
Tremors especially in the hands.
Legs seem to ache very easily after not much walking, The same goes for my arms after holding things.

07-10-10, 00:38
Sounds like anxiety to me eggy. I suffer from most of these symptoms. I know its hard to think rationally when your anxiety is at an all time high I should know I'm there at the moment every ache every pain I think I'm dying its hard eggy its really hard and I hope you feel better soon. Its awful living in fear of a serious illness but the more you fear it the more it feeds your anxiety and it becomes a vicious circle. Speak to your gp and try to accept its anxiety that way you can learn to deal with anxiety I'm not sayin it will go away because I don't no if it ever does truly go away but it can become easier I know because in march up until a few weeks ago I was more or less anxiety free. Please see your gp hunny explain how you feel this can become easier. Good luck x

07-10-10, 19:46
My mouth/throat/face symptoms are very troublesome as i feel i have difficulty chewing and it feels like my cheekbones are pushing down on my mouth, I also have constant pain/pressure in my face/cheekbones/jaws etc.

I seem to struggle to swallow too and i have a terrible taste in my mouth which i noticed last night, My tongue feels numb and odd and it just really feels like my muscles are going.

07-10-10, 20:03
Yeah all typical anxiety symptoms I am afraid.

They will go in time I am sure.

07-10-10, 20:12
Nicolas right hun it deff sounds like anxiety.

07-10-10, 20:20
Eggy Eggy Eggy


It's just another thread about the same things.

Will you please go speak to your GP about getting help with your Health Anxiety, you can post and post over and over again, but I just feel you won't be reassured here.

Trust me, the sooner you seek out professional help buddy, the quicker you will start coming to terms with your anxiety.


07-10-10, 23:04
If all those symptoms were due to a serious illness, im sure that even the worst doc in the world would take them seriously by now.

paula lynne
08-10-10, 10:26
Hi Eggy....it really is anxiety Im afraid...plus dont forget your meds can give you some of the above too. Try reading clare weekes books, really helpful.
Also, dont forget to post to other people, get your mind of your illness!! x:yesyes:

08-10-10, 14:41
Can anxiety really make arms feel weak and disconnected and facial tingling?

paula lynne
08-10-10, 15:29
Hiya Midnight Calm...yes it can hun :weep: Im sitting here all relaxed having..palpatations, tingling in both hands up to my wrists, and numb bottom lip x Vertigo bad, and another blooming headache which makes my eyes not focus properly. I know its anxiety...but accepting that is the difficult bit xx:wacko:

08-10-10, 15:34
hun i have the same thing going on with me right now everything u just wrote i have to hun it must be anx hun if u need to talk just pm me hun tc

08-10-10, 15:41
I have the constant tingling,dizziness and a few more of your symptoms i know its hard to get your head round the fact its anxiety causing it i'm still having great problems believing it myself,but when you look at how many people who suffer with anxiety get the same things happening to them you have to start believing thats all it is or you'll never get any better.

08-10-10, 17:02
Hiya Midnight Calm...yes it can hun :weep: Im sitting here all relaxed having..palpatations, tingling in both hands up to my wrists, and numb bottom lip x Vertigo bad, and another blooming headache which makes my eyes not focus properly. I know its anxiety...but accepting that is the difficult bit xx:wacko:

It's horrible isn't it!
I get the tingling a lot these days and it's among one of the scarier symptoms I've ever had, heck I even preferred the constant dizziness I had for a month!

08-10-10, 18:15
To give you an idea of what anxiety can feel like - I remember reading about Imogen Stubbs (the actress), she had panic attacks which literally paralysed her for a short length of time. So it can certainly make parts of you feel tingly, numb etc.

08-10-10, 18:18
That's good to know, at least I'm far from alone, I don't really have panic attacks, I generally feel tingly most of the day aha. My panics are more internal and never really the typical shortness of breath, sweating etc.

11-10-10, 10:46
I know Anxiety can cause many different symptoms but why am i convinced i have a deadly incurable disease or something?

I think it's because i have a lot of symptoms and i am experiencing things i have never experienced before and it is very scary.

Some of my symptoms seem weird, They include:-

I feel like my mouth/fascial muscles are weak or wasting.
Difficulty swallowing.
I feel like there's something very bad in my throat that just won't budge.
I have a constant dull ache/pain/pressure in my face around my cheekbones and near my ears and it hurts more when eating and can hurt when talking.
My tongue seems to twitch, It tingles a lot and it feels odd and numb too.
I keep getting constant twitching in my lip which only started today and has got me really worried.
My arms/legs feel heavy/weak like they are going to give way or like i am suffering from muscle weakness/wasting.
Pins and needles in my hands and feet.
Cramps mainly in my left leg.
Tingling in my face, arms, legs and other areas.
Twitches in my face, arms, legs, eyes and other random areas.
Eye pain.
Pain and stiffness in my neck and pains in my back, elbows and knees (I seem to get quite a lot of knee pain.)
Tremors especially in the hands.
Legs seem to ache very easily after not much walking, The same goes for my arms after holding things.

Don't worry-I have had ALL of these symptoms day to day

paula lynne
11-10-10, 12:24
Me too x :wacko:

11-10-10, 16:01
Yeah all typical anxiety symptoms I am afraid.

They will go in time I am sure.

Really? All of them? I hope your right Nic.

14-10-10, 12:00
Yep - I've had most of those symptoms. Anxiety.. I made many trips to the doctors (and ER) and spent a whole packet of money (no free healthcare here in Vietnam).

All test results came back normal.. was tested for heart problems, MS etc.

The symptoms eventually went away once i had some professional reassurance. Which is maybe what you need. :o)

Take good care of yourself. spend time with friends who understand. get lots of sleep. eat well (fruits etc) and do things that you like doing.. whether it's gardening, taking photos, painting. :o)

good luck. xx