View Full Version : Really am going out of my mind..

07-10-10, 02:23
As i said in my previous post i went to the doctors today as if found a lump in my left breast..

she carried out a examination and found nothing... even tho i was sitting up and when i found my lump i was laying down and i told her this but she said everything was fine.


bascially i am worried she missed somthing as i can still feel this lump.....
also my left boob looks like it has tiny ripples on the bottom has anyone else had this??

07-10-10, 14:27
If you can still feel the lump, please go and get it checked out.
It's breast awareness month! My advice to anyone (male or female) is 'never be complacent about a breast lump'
Sorry to sound bossy hunny, but I am speaking from a breast cancer survivor's point of view.
Have your mind put at ease...explain to the doctor that you are feeling anxious...
my lump got ignored for 4years...how I wish that I'd made them check it sooner.
There's an extreeeeeemely high chance that it'll be something quite innocent and benign but please make an appointment so that you can put your mind to rest.

jan x

07-10-10, 15:12
i suggest you go back if you can feel it ,it could be a gland but best to make sure ..

eternally optimistic
07-10-10, 15:54
Yep, second opinion is always good, if you're not happy.

Go tomorrow.