View Full Version : getting an abortion .. if u are going to judge me dont bother answering

07-10-10, 04:33
so i got a preg test and its positive :weep:. i do not want to have a baby i have a 5 year old and im done .. im having an abortion and im scared shitless if someone has had one please comment

07-10-10, 04:58
Noticed you are online. I haven't had an abortion myself. Just wanted you to not feel alone here waiting for someone to acknowledge you and your concerns.

07-10-10, 09:04
so i got a preg test and its positive :weep:. i do not want to have a baby i have a 5 year old and im done .. im having an abortion and im scared shitless if someone has had one please comment

I had a abortion in 2003, i was just in time as months were going on, my 2 children were age 4 and 3, my husband was still about, we had a very hostile relationship we were together then not together but I was under a lot of stress with boys and found myself living as a single parent, I finished with husband as he never wanted to know the kids and was abusive, but was keen not to do something (i.e PUT SOMETHING ON THE END OF IT!) he blamed me for trapping him, anyway now I am with someone else and its brill. I was glad to have abortion as life would have been really difficult and bringing more kids up x husband would have got worse.

07-10-10, 09:07
I had a abortion in 2003, i was just in time as months were going on, my 2 children were age 4 and 3, my husband was still about, we had a very hostile relationship we were together then not together but I was under a lot of stress with boys and found myself living as a single parent, I finished with husband as he never wanted to know the kids and was abusive, but was keen not to do something (i.e PUT SOMETHING ON THE END OF IT!) he blamed me for trapping him, anyway now I am with someone else and its brill. I was glad to have abortion as life would have been really difficult and bringing more kids up x husband would have got worse. Its your and your childs life, don't feel guilty as you only know whats best for you:)

07-10-10, 10:23
Hi flamarella. Ive not been pregnant myself as I was always so scared of pregnancy, and birth. But I have been there for a friend who got pregnant as a teenager. I took her to the clinic and waited for her to come out the other side.
I think as long as youre sure its the right thing to do then, you will be ok. I think they offer counselling, so make sure you make use of it to get your head straight before you have the op.
I wish you the best. Its your body and your life, remember that :)

07-10-10, 15:03
Good luck and i hopeyou have someone going with you. It's your choice and no one else's and not one to be made easily.
Having a child is a huge committment on all accounts.

Do take all the help and support you can get and don't worry about anyone judging you its none of their businessx

07-10-10, 16:24
do whats best for you mate cos at the end of the day you are the one left looking after a baby noone else and at least you are honest enough with yourself to admit that it is something you cant cope with, if anything well done in coming to that realization.

07-10-10, 17:22
Take someone with you hun so your not by yourself. Its no1s decision but yours and no1 should judge you you know what's best for you and your 5 year old. Good luck I'm sure you will be fine xxxx

07-10-10, 17:44
No-one has any right to judge you. It is your decision and a brave one too. Make sure you have some support. Will be thinking of you xx

07-10-10, 18:37
Hope you make the right decision, good luck - my thoughts of with you x

07-10-10, 18:42
Do what you have to do, noone has any right to judge you. Its an awful choice to make and you feel all sorts of emotions without the added stress of judgement. I myself have never had an abortion but i am completely pro choice. What you decide is your choice to make noone else's, its your body after all.

Fly away Katie
07-10-10, 19:21
Hey Flame. I don't think anyone will judge, it's up to you babe ;) And if its the right choice for you, then go for it.
I wouldnt worrie too much. Lots of my friends have had them. x x x x

07-10-10, 19:46
thank you guys so much for your support .. i am having one i dont think anything of it as long as its done early (4-6 weeks) ... at the end i think life is life no matter what and we eat animals and kill them all the time. they dont deserve that either yet its gonna happen .. wish me luck im just worried about the whole thing

07-10-10, 20:20
Sweetie - wishing you all the luck in the world, you wouldn't be normal if you weren't worried.
Take care and here if you need some supportx