View Full Version : A few symptoms eyes, legs and arms

07-03-06, 20:37

I have posted about weakness in my arms and legs recently but I just wanted to ask people how long it lasts, sometimes I have it for an hour and today I have had it nearly all day. I have had this particular symptom on and off for about a year, is this normal?

Also I have started sufferring from bluriness and I see different colour dots sometimes. Sometimes I may look at my leg or bed and see a yellow circle when I blink or look back it goes away (not always yellow) does anyone else get this. When I goggled these symptoms it came up with MS which is currently my ultimate fear!

Whilst I'm here I have a constant tingling sensation in my shoulder (again another symptom of MS)

I'd be really grateful of any advice.

Does anyone else have these symptoms, should I be worried?

Babydoll xx

07-03-06, 21:14
Hi babydoll,

I have similar symptoms, as well as tingling and electrical current sensations all over my body. I'm new to this 9my PAs only started a couple of months ago), but I've been checked for MS and the results came out clear. I've also been told that these symptoms are not unusual. If you're really worried, it might be a good idea to go and see a doctor, just for your piece of mind...
btw. mine last for several days at the time, off and on.

take care

09-03-06, 17:07
Unfortunatly, anxiety's symptoms mimic some pretty scary diseases. I have had myself convinced I have some deadly neuro disease bc it is like anxiety feelings, but deep down I know that it is so rare, but the what ifs take control!
I think that if it were serious it wouldn't get better it would contiunally get worse. Try to distract yourself and see if it helps.

09-03-06, 19:36
hi wat u describe is very typical anxiety symptoms.i would try and ignore it and it will pass.i no this is easier said than done but giv it a try.marciax

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

fed up with it
10-04-06, 20:42
Hi babydoll, i have the same weakness etc especially after the birth of my kids now 3 and 4 years, i do believe it postnatal related but sound the same as you stuck in the symptoms. I havent had treatment with antidepressants cos i have a pill phobia. My legs are weak, ache like i am going to drop, and very drained all the time i was diagnosed with m.e a year before my kids where born, but feel the births bought on the anxiety and the symptoms i have know.
