View Full Version : Acid reflux and nausea

cheesy pete
07-10-10, 06:32
I wonder if anyone out there can help? Is a sign of acid reflux that you feel extremely nauseus? I seem to really struggle when my stomach has been empty for some and then I still to feel really sick and then the burning sensation in my central chest slowly starts to build. I really don't want to eat but i know i have to, Although not very pleasant to start with (eating whilst you feel sick) i know after the food has hit my stomach that the symptoms will start to pass. Whillst i did eat last night, i don't think i ate enough and i am paying for it this morning.

Had this twice last night and woken up feeling very sick this morning. My mind is going into overdrive that it might be stomach ulcer and then when the acid hits that it might be heart attack. Always feel better when someone says that it isn't just me. Fed up with this, off to the docs today and my initial dose of lanzaprazole runs out tomorrow :weep:

07-10-10, 09:38
I don't know about acid reflux, but I know that nausea and acid type pains are symptoms of gastritis. I understand that Lanzaprazole works for both reflux and gastritis (but i could be wrong).

07-10-10, 13:10
I had this yesterday, it sounds like Acid reflux. I feel nauseus when I have it and like a burny acidic feeling in my chest and throat, it's horrible but it's nothing serious, not at all.

cheesy pete
07-10-10, 14:40
Thanks for the replies. I've come home from work as felt so bad i was struggling to concentrate - sickness and burning seems to be coming in ever increasing waves. Got a doctors appointment this afternoon - I'm hoping that he will be able to ease my mind (for the time being anyway).

cheesy pete
07-10-10, 15:15
Does anyone else gets what feels like a pulling sensation in the middle of there chest with acid reflux? To be honest i'm finding it scary :weep:

07-10-10, 19:25
Hello! I've just come on to find a post like yours... I've not been a member for long but i find coming on here gives me so much piece of mind! For the part few days i've had no appetite, sooo nauseous, and terrible burning and full pain in my chest i even started checking my pulse as it feels like my heart is strained if that makes sense! I literaly have eaten a hand full of food as i feel sick... It.s awful isn't it :-( i'm only 22 can't imaging going through his forever! X x natalie x x

cheesy pete
07-10-10, 19:48
Hi Natalie,

It really isn't pleasant and i have had good and bad days. For me, i have to eat something otherwise the acid starts to build up and the pain and burning gets worse. Have you been to see a doctor? I've been today and it helped eased my mind and they are booking me in for a camera inspection which doesn't sound pleasant but if it helps then that is what i need. I hope you feel better soon.


07-10-10, 19:54
Hi pete! I visited a doctor about a year ago and he said i had ibs and acid... It did however go away but over the last few days it feels like i'm going to have a heart attack! I will force some food down me! Aww good luck with ur camera my friend had that done and she said it was a little uncomfy but ok! It will atleast put ur mind at rest! I'll go down some milk and fill my chops ha ha... Thank you x x

cheesy pete
07-10-10, 20:03
Thanks Natalie, best of luck with the food and the milk, that always work a treat for me xx