View Full Version : Shallow Breathing

07-10-10, 09:56
Hello for the last few months iv been having this shallow breathing sensation at the top of my chest I have been to the doctors numerous times about it but the doctor has never been able to find any problems with me and just put it down to Anxiety. I seem to get this sensation at least once a day and it lasts for ages some days it feels like it won’t go away altogether it’s really starting to get me down I don’t take any meds . I’m 21 years old I don’t smoke I rarely drink alcohol I recently joined the gym which has helped me. I’m not even sure if my problem really is anxiety based although when I am busy or focused on something I don’t seem to notice the problem its only when I think about this problem that I usually end up having it . Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated.
Thanks Alan x

07-10-10, 10:33
Hey Alan... my anxiety brings the same symptom (among others). Besides medicine, I found this things helpfull:
The shallow breathing brings the "fear" o being short of breath, choking, not getting enough oxigen. There is a simple test to put your mind at ease with this. Just raise a hand aboe heart level and pinch/squeeze the tip of one of your fingers until it goes slightly red. When you release it, the white area that is the result of pinching should also turn red within 3 seconds. This means that oxigen is being carried by blood in an apropiate manner to the extremities and everything is ok (it's like a circulation/oxigen saturation test for home-use).
Secondly, whenever you feel short of breath it is because you are thinking about your breathing. Breathing is an independent and subconcious process, we never have to think breath in/breath out to live, because our brain takes care of this. However, us anxiety sufferers have the tendency to feel and be very aware of every body function. So, because the brain can't focus on two things at once, whenever you feel short of breath (I use this especially at bedtime) do some math in your head. I mean really hard math, that you have to focus on to solve. You will see this takes your mind off your breathing and switches back to "auto-pilot".

07-10-10, 10:48
Hi Skin THANK YOU for the quick reply I really appreciate your advice and I take comfort from knowing I’m not alone with my problems once again thanks take care.