View Full Version : Newbie - Me and PA's

07-10-10, 11:10
Hi all I'm a newbie on here

Anyway here's a brief history of PA's/Anxiety....

My first PA
August 2003 was my first PA. I had just turned 30. Believe it or not my first PA happened on my honeymoon in the Seychelles. There we were dining in the most beautiful and romantic restaurant when all of a sudden I just came over kind of light headed and uneasy. My heart began to pound and I felt truly awful. This happened just at the time the poor waitress was coming over to take our order. I felt so shaken I couldn't even look at the menu and get any words out. The worst thing was the waitress and my wife were asking me if I was alright which seemed to panic me even more. I made a polite excuses’ that I was feeling a bit funny and I got the hell out of there. It was so awful and embarrassing. Well that's where my PA's started and since that day I've never really been able to break away from PA's for any real length of time........

The good news though incase your wondering is I'm still very happily married and we have a beautiful little two year old son. My wife’s been very supportive and I've got on with life as best I can despite continuing PA's. I've not really avoided to many situations despite how bad the PA's are sometimes.

Places where I've experienced PA's

All the usual suspects I'm afraid:
Work meetings
Pub's, restaurants
Out walking

Well what I'm I going to do about these PA's......?

I've suffered with PA's now for 7 years and I'm sick to death of them. I've never seeked any specialist help or visited the doctors tbo. I've never told my friends and family about them as I'm kind of embarrassed about it all.

I've tried to be a positive as possible and brush them off all these years but it's time I really did something about it.

So here’s the plan.... The wife’s booked me in at the doctors for a cholesterol and blood test on Monday. I'm also going to book an appointment with a local private fully qualified hypnotherapist & psychotherapist who specializes with Anxiety and PA's. I've also joined a gym. I feel anxious about all these things but I want rid of PA's once and for all so I’m going to finally give it my best shot.

I will keep you posted and I look forward to your comments
All the best guys….

07-10-10, 12:23
Hi there,

My anxiety has also struck when on holiday. The first time that it became debilitating was on a holiday in Turkey. I have since then had several relapses when on holiday - the worst of which was on holiday in the Caribbean. It started when I was on the plane & had the pleasure of spending the majority of the flight being sick into a sick bag! On several holiday I have ended up at the doctors / hospital because my anxiety was so out of control. Therefore I can completely understand how perpexing it is to experience anxiety in the one place where you should feel relaxed & at ease. Anxiety is very cruel like that.
It sounds as if you've coped really well with your anxiety in that you have not let it restrict your life. I really admire that as my anxiety often prevents me from doing things & from enjoying things.
Don't be embarrassed about your anxiety. There is nothing to be ashamed of. As you can see from the number of people on this site, there are so many people who go through the same thing. It is perfectly normal.
It sounds like you have a really positive plan of action. Let us know how you get on.
