View Full Version : anti depressants

07-10-10, 12:10
I have been off my anti depressants since last october but recently been having severe tummy troubles which after a few tests doctor thinks IBS. I asked if i could go back on them because my stomach problems were making me quite anxious and depressed. About a week after taking them i started getting the most horrendous wind, couldn't think of anything else that was causing it apart from the tablets. I have been suffering with quite a lot of wind but this was constant all day long so i stopped them about a week ago and the wind eased off. I took them for 30 days altogether. I thought i was doing ok without them but since tuesday i have felt really depressed not just down but really badly depressed.
Do you think they were helping more than i realised ? I started taking them again yesterday because i can't stand feeling like this. My stomach was acting up really badly as well since i stopped them don't know if thats a coincidence. Can anti depressants cause wind ? Never had the problem when i've taken them before. I've also switched to soya milk, does anyone know if this can cause wind ?

07-10-10, 12:52
They do cause wind .Ive had the same problem .Avoid foods that make it worse and try taking charcoal tabs before each meal they help reduce it .Also ginger is good .I dont know about soya milk ,but I wouldnt think it would affect it .Wheat is bad that I do know ,especially white bread ..Sue x

07-10-10, 13:02
Thanx for the reply sue. I'me trying to watch what i eat but its a bit of a nightmare at the moment not knowing what will and won't cause me problems. xxx

09-10-10, 00:52
I feel for you. I developed IBS a few years ago and it took me a long time to figure out what I could actually eat. Start with simple foods, I find mashed banana is something I can always cope with. Eat small meals more regularly so you don't overload your digestive system. Which antidepressant are you on? For me, SSRIs can upset my IBS.

Some people find taking peppermint oil capsules helpful for relieving IBS pain. I'm on a medication called mebeverine (brand name colofac) which helps a bit. A hot water bottle helps too.

09-10-10, 04:08
Hi rosebud

what antid's are you taking? I'm on Citalopram & wind was a side effect for about 3mths. However, my IBS is rarely a problem now & i can eat anything i like.

09-10-10, 09:28
Hi :)
I found that taking anti depressants with something to eat at the same time help lessened the stomach problems and the longer I have been on the medication, my stomach does not get affected anymore.
Citalopram gives a lot of people trouble with wind :unsure:
Some people cannot tolerate soya...so maybe that is not helping?
Hope you soon feel better

16-10-10, 17:09
I'me on flupentixol. I did stop taking them because the wind had become so bad but started taking them again and wind hasn't been as bad so maybe it wasn't them at all. I layed off the soya milk for a while to but am giving it a try again, wind not to bad at the moment. I have been having activia yoghurts for the past two weeks and whether its a coincidence i don't know but the wind seems to have lessened. I think its a case of trial and error at the moment. Thanks for your replies xxx