View Full Version : Brief dizzy spells?

07-10-10, 13:01
Hi there,
does anyone get brief dizzy spells lasting only 30 secs or so? It feels as if someone has run into me hard and i'm going to fall over.
Not sure if its anxiety related or not as i'm not too bad at the moment,


07-10-10, 13:08
I've had them before, sometimes they last less than 30 secnds for me but when they happen they are really scary. I don't know if it's anxiety related, my doc seems to think so but I'm not sure. He said it sounded like spells of vertigo. I guess anxiety can probably be the cause, it is to so many other things so why not this one... Have a chat with your GP and see what he/she says.

07-10-10, 14:21
I get this, they are very intense when i get them, and last about 1 minute. extreme vertigo but not so much as spinning, more like swaying. everything i look at is swaying about and i cant walk straight or anything coz i dont have any sense of balance. I get extreme leg weakness out of the blue too, and arm weakness :( My doc says its vertigo but referred me to ENT. ENT doc said i had fluid behind eardrums and gave me steroids but they did nothing. It could be my inner ear as ive had lots of inner ear trouble growing up, but i dunno, i want an MRI scan of the brain to check for anything like infection or anything. Which could explain all the lumps that have come up on my neck and groin. Im thinking cancer at the moment tho lol. Im a mess :-(

Im dizzy, weak in arms, nauseas, vertigo, tight muscles where im constantly stretching, vision blurriness and severe derealization. I feel ill with it all as i NEVER get a break. Im constantly feeling EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE THINGS apart from the vertigo where i get that come and go. I cant even eat much anymore either, i honestly reckon ive got an illness as i dont even feel anxious ever!! Im always out n about doing things, i just get on with my life and live with these symptoms everyday with no answers. Its awful.

I know how u feel with the sudden dizziness, i was one day walkmin down stairs and i got it. I had to grab the rails before i fell. I was petrified. I cant see how thats anxiety !! My doc has been good though, im having a heart scan on the 26th of this month and if thats 'All Clear' then my docs referring me to a Neurologist. Has ur doc offered to refer you to ENT or a neuro??

Hope ur ok x

07-10-10, 22:17
thank you both for your replies. I havent been to docs yet, going to see how it goes. Been googling and it does seem very common. I had a couple of months of labrinthitis (sp?) a while back and eventually it went so i'm hoping this does.
thanks anx x

08-10-10, 10:57
Try the website www.labyrinthitis.org.uk - I had very bad ear infection 4 years ago and suffer from this and the website helps me when I start to panic and convince myself I have brain tumour or some such thing. Hope your dizziness passes.
Take care, XX