View Full Version : cystitis and bleeding

07-10-10, 13:31

Has anyone had cystitis and vaginal bleeding. I have had cystitis for 5 days and it is getting worse despite the potassium citrate and cranberry juice. I rang my surgery, she diagnosed me over the phone and told me to go and pick up some anitbiotics. I did not get chance to tell her that i have vaginal bleeding with it. Very light not like a period but the weeing is absolutely agonising and my bladder area is very tender and painful. When I am walking it reminds me of when my babys head was crowning when i was giving birth. I am worried that i am not seeing the doc now i am just picking up tablets without giving her the full story. I am worried it might be something more than cystitis

07-10-10, 13:38
Hi hun,

I've had cysititis a couple of times and both times I had the normal symptoms like burning when peeing, low abdo pain and swollen tummy, and also blood in the urine and vaginal bleeding. Once I started the antibiotics this all settled down pretty quickly.

My advice would be to start the antibiotics asap and if the bleeding continues, see your GP. Cystitis is so painful so I really sympathise with you.

Get well soon.xx:hugs:

07-10-10, 14:23
Ive had blood in my urine from a UTI and I raced to the doctors as it says that blood int he urine must be checked out straight away. the doc wasnt in the least bit worried about it lol.
As Debs said, take the antibiotics and if youre not noticing a change in the next few days that go back and see your doc.
Ive found that getting a bit of toilet paper and running it under the cold tap and placing it against the skin helps the burning feeling.
I feel for you. x