View Full Version : Burning legs, restless legs and cramp

07-10-10, 13:32
Right I am starting to whittle about this now so hopefully someone will be able to shed some light.

The day before yesterday I was out and both my calves started cramping up, right down them, the whole bottoms of my legs. It really scared me.

That night and still now my thighs at the front feel like they're burning under the skin. I'm really scared as to what it is.

I have also been getting for the past few weeks restless legs at night. It was better last night and I wondered if some cough medicine I was taking might have made it worse. But it was starting to wake me up at night.

I am just so tired all the time as well. I am so scared there's something seriously wrong with me. The big C, or a progressive disease.

My legs just feel so weak and heavy, and this burning is awful.

07-10-10, 13:44
Its circulation that causes it .Excercise when you dont warm up before hand or after -wards causes cramp .Smoking and some medications can cause restlessleg syndrome ,its also a circulation problem .Ive suffered for ages and its a pain in the butt .Getting up and walking about helps and drinking a lot of tonic water will help it .It contains Quinine . If your tense and anxious your circulation suffers and will cause the muscles to be tense ,this affects the nerves which cause the burning and tingling .Sue .

07-10-10, 13:50
I don't know if it's a coincidence that it seems to be since I started taking the oral contraceptive. I had restless legs when pregnant. It went away and it seems to be since I started taking this pill that it has come back?

It's the burning in the thighs that is really scaring me though.

07-10-10, 14:36
It can be caused by Oral contraceptives .Id go see your Dr, a different one might help .Its nothing to worry about ..Or maybe have a Mirena coil fitted .Sue

07-10-10, 20:11
I do hope not. It's the first one I've had that hasn't bothered my anixety. I can only take progesterone only so am limited as to what I can have :(

09-10-10, 13:39
I get weak legs too, it's horrible, I've also found that I can never rest my legs, they always feel uncomfortable, especially in bed, my legs have been twitching under the skin for months coming and going, looks like a bag of worms.
When I'm in bed the only way to keep them comfortable is to keep them moving so I don't notice the discomfort of keeping them still.
I get tiredness alot! It's more of a body tired than a mental tired, I can be wide awake and rarely yawn but my body just seems to want to rest!

09-10-10, 18:22
Can completely relate to that MidnightCalm

09-10-10, 18:37
My calves cramp too, it always feels like they're on the brink of cramping!