View Full Version : More convinced than ever before that I have MS

07-10-10, 14:28
Okay so this time I KNOW I have MS.

List of symptoms:

Tiredness around the middle of the day 2pm and I always end up falling asleep
Severe itching of the skin - all the time
Burning skin
Tingling in my hands and feet
Always getting ill i.e. a cold/sore throat etc
Crawling feeling on my scalp
The feeling of water being thrown over me
Drips of water on my hands and feets when there is nothing there
Slight depersonalisation

Itching is my main symptom along with burning of my skin.
I am driving myself insane, this is an awful symptom to live with. The only thing I can think that is wrong is MS!
I dont know how to be taken seriously by those around me and the doctor

07-10-10, 14:36
Are you on any medication?

07-10-10, 14:52
Are you on any medication?

Yasmin only - BCP

07-10-10, 15:00
The MS Society have a helpline - the number is on their website. Maybe you would find it helpful to speak to someone there

07-10-10, 15:02
Anxiety can cause all of those symptoms. I asked about medication as I was on an AD that made me feel a lot of what you were feeling.
I have no experience with MS, but I would talk to someone who has more experience on it and see if they can shed any light. Im sure there are people on these forums that could help :)

07-10-10, 15:07
The MS Society have a helpline - the number is on their website. Maybe you would find it helpful to speak to someone there

Could I really just ring them up and tell them my symptoms though?
Considering most of those are MS symptoms they would probably tell me to go and see a doctor/neuro

07-10-10, 15:09
Maybe theyll have a forum and chat room?

07-10-10, 15:11
Maybe theyll have a forum and chat room?

I joined a forum called "MS world" the other day and asked the question telling them my symptoms and they basically said that every person is effected differently by MS, so that didnt really help :S

07-10-10, 15:19
Could I really just ring them up and tell them my symptoms though?
Considering most of those are MS symptoms they would probably tell me to go and see a doctor/neuro

I've never used the helpline so I don't know exactly what help they can give you, but they will certainly know more than most people on here (you can email as well as phone if you would find that easier. However, the only way you can find out for certain one way or is by seeing neurologist AFAIK, if your doctor deems that necessary. I see you have had concerns about other illnesses in the past and wondered if any of them turned out to have foundation?

07-10-10, 15:35
I've never used the helpline so I don't know exactly what help they can give you, but they will certainly know more than most people on here (you can email as well as phone if you would find that easier. However, the only way you can find out for certain one way or is by seeing neurologist AFAIK, if your doctor deems that necessary. I see you have had concerns about other illnesses in the past and wondered if any of them turned out to have foundation?

I have just emailed them thank you.

None of my illnesses in the past have turned out to be as bad as I have thought.
But the thing that is different this time is that my symptoms have been present for more than 3 weeks and are still present when I am concentrating on something else etc. Whereas before under these circumstances they would disappear.

Sorry can I ask what you meant by a neurologist AFAIK?

07-10-10, 15:38
Sorry, AFAIK is "as far as I know". Three members of my family who have MS were all diagnosed by MRI after being referred to a neurologist. My husband also had to have a lumbar puncture because his MRI was inconclusive x

07-10-10, 15:54
Sorry, AFAIK is "as far as I know". Three members of my family who have MS were all diagnosed by MRI after being referred to a neurologist. My husband also had to have a lumbar puncture because his MRI was inconclusive x

What if my doctor doesn't refer me? :(

07-10-10, 16:00
This is what the NHS says


07-10-10, 16:03
Your doctor will know what to look for. If he/she has any doubt that you're suffering with a health problem they will refer you. If they dont believe you have it, or need to be referred then they will not refer you. If you are still worried then get a second opinion from another GP. However the worst part of HA is the refusal to trust in your GP.

07-10-10, 16:06
thanks guys. I know what you mean but whenever I go to the GP it seems as though they are not paying proper attention to me and more often than not seem to be dismissing me. I just really want to see a neurologist now

07-10-10, 16:08
Have you actually asked for a referral?

07-10-10, 16:13
Have you actually asked for a referral?

Not yet. But I did ask about MS and she basically shrugged me off and shook her head in exhasperation

07-10-10, 16:28
If you really feel a referral is necessary then you might have to press your point (Take someone with you if there is someone who could help with that). If the doc says no, ask them to explain why to see if that can reassure you.

In saying all that I've said, the people I know with MS (and that's more than just my family members) have a lot more stuff going on than you have and did even before they sought a GP's advice. I didn't initially realise you'd only had the symptoms for three weeks - I don't honestly think there will be many people with MS have sought a diagnosis that soon.

Alternatively, maybe you need to ask the doc if you might benefit from treatment for health anxiety, if you are not already having that x

07-10-10, 18:59
I have just emailed them thank you.

None of my illnesses in the past have turned out to be as bad as I have thought.
But the thing that is different this time is that my symptoms have been present for more than 3 weeks and are still present when I am concentrating on something else etc. Whereas before under these circumstances they would disappear.

Sorry can I ask what you meant by a neurologist AFAIK?

You really need to be aware that anxiety is a chronic condition and once it becomes physical these physical symptoms will in turn become chronic.

3 weeks is really no time at all to be thinking that a huge amount of time has passed and therefore it must be MS. Many people, myself included, have suffered the physical sensations of anxiety for years and these persist regardless of us actuially feeling anxious...once anxiety has become physical it has become a chronic physical ailment and no longer is subject to a mental causality.

The fear of MS and other neuro nasties is very common anongst anxiety sufferers and one of the main reasons is because the symptoms are so similar. The crucial thing to remember is that the symptoms do not have to have a physical first cause and they are, in the vast vast majority of cases, the result of a mental process.

07-10-10, 19:02

This is thread I devised for another forum but which Dooges kindly posted here....have a read as it may give you some insight and help into this.

07-10-10, 19:26
Excellent post and thread itoldyou :flowers:

Admin people - any chance it could get the sticky treatment?

08-10-10, 21:36
Thank you for that post.

I still get the overwhelming feeling I do have MS though, why, just because I have health anxiety does this mean I will never get ill?

08-10-10, 21:36
All the symptoms are present and its scary plus I'm in the age range :(

08-10-10, 21:38
Tiredness around the middle of the day 2pm and I always end up falling asleep (except I find it very hard to sleep).
Severe itching of the skin - all the time
Burning skin
Tingling in my hands and feet (and face)
Always getting ill i.e. a cold/sore throat etc
Crawling feeling on my scalp
The feeling of water being thrown over me
Drips of water on my hands and feets when there is nothing there
Slight depersonalisation

I get the ones I've made bold!
You're not alone!
What's the age range?

08-10-10, 21:39
I also get weakness in my arms, like they're detatched, do you get that?

08-10-10, 21:50
Tiredness around the middle of the day 2pm and I always end up falling asleep (except I find it very hard to sleep).
Severe itching of the skin - all the time
Burning skin
Tingling in my hands and feet (and face)
Always getting ill i.e. a cold/sore throat etc
Crawling feeling on my scalp
The feeling of water being thrown over me
Drips of water on my hands and feets when there is nothing there
Slight depersonalisation

I get the ones I've made bold!
You're not alone!
What's the age range?

Glad I'm not alone!
Well the age range is usually between 20-40 - when symptoms present themselves.
I am 21 so I'm petrified

08-10-10, 22:07
Glad I'm not alone!
Well the age range is usually between 20-40 - when symptoms present themselves.
I am 21 so I'm petrified

I'm 21 too!
Argh, what're we like ;/ It's awful worrying every day when all you want to do is be a normal 21 year old!

09-10-10, 00:35
If it helps anyone, please don't forget that MS is really quite a rare condition - even if you have family members who have it (meaning your own risk of getting it is increased), the chances of developing it are still one in many, many thousands.

My dad had a severe form of MS - it started off as relapsing-remitting, then it developed into the type that progresses rapidly, and within 2 years of diagnosis, he never walked again.

Honestly, don't think yourselves into this stuff; the chances of actually having it are remote and you're tormenting your own minds with the thought. I grew up with the fear of MS because of my dad having it, so I do know how you feel.

09-10-10, 00:40
Can I just add that people are feeding off each other here and some never even imagined they had MS and now will start thinking they do!

We need to be rational about these things and stop self-diagnosing on here and scaring other people into thinking they have it.

This site is meant to help people suffering with panic and anxiety and not other illnesses that we can no way diagnose!

If you are worried then see a doctor - members on here can not diagnose such things.

09-10-10, 01:15
I don't think I have it I just have a lot of her symptoms :)

09-10-10, 09:11
If it helps anyone, please don't forget that MS is really quite a rare condition - even if you have family members who have it (meaning your own risk of getting it is increased), the chances of developing it are still one in many, many thousands.

My dad had a severe form of MS - it started off as relapsing-remitting, then it developed into the type that progresses rapidly, and within 2 years of diagnosis, he never walked again.

Honestly, don't think yourselves into this stuff; the chances of actually having it are remote and you're tormenting your own minds with the thought. I grew up with the fear of MS because of my dad having it, so I do know how you feel. Very sorry to hear about your dad. I have to be honest, your post scared me abit. Only because i believe i am suffering from the primary progressive type. I just really want to be referred to a neuro and get the diagnosis over with!

09-10-10, 10:05
You don't have the symptoms of PPMS which, incidentally, according the MS Society is "usually diagnosed in people in their forties or fifties". Take care and hope you have made doc appointment x

09-10-10, 13:44
Very sorry to hear about your dad. I have to be honest, your post scared me abit. Only because i believe i am suffering from the primary progressive type. I just really want to be referred to a neuro and get the diagnosis over with!

Have you seen a doctor about it?
Is it constant or does it come and go?
Are you still able to get on with normal everyday things?
Have you tried just forgetting about it for an hour and getting on with something and trying to distract your thoughts every time they go back to thinking about it?

09-10-10, 16:25
Okay so this time I KNOW I have MS.

List of symptoms:

Tiredness around the middle of the day 2pm and I always end up falling asleep
Severe itching of the skin - all the time
Burning skin
Tingling in my hands and feet
Always getting ill i.e. a cold/sore throat etc
Crawling feeling on my scalp
The feeling of water being thrown over me
Drips of water on my hands and feets when there is nothing there
Slight depersonalisation

Itching is my main symptom along with burning of my skin.
I am driving myself insane, this is an awful symptom to live with. The only thing I can think that is wrong is MS!
I dont know how to be taken seriously by those around me and the doctor

Have you thought about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? I am having the exact same symptoms of not more, like muscle twitching and real tiredness and muscle aching after slight exertion and have convinced myself of MS or MND, so much to the point I am not living anymore just getting through the symptoms! But an alternative therapist now has also pointed me in the area of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia??? and I was suprised how many of the symptoms are the same. I am going to my GP on Monday to discuss this with him. Hope this helps.

09-10-10, 16:32
Have you thought about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? I am having the exact same symptoms of not more, like muscle twitching and real tiredness and muscle aching after slight exertion and have convinced myself of MS or MND, so much to the point I am not living anymore just getting through the symptoms! But an alternative therapist now has also pointed me in the area of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia??? and I was suprised how many of the symptoms are the same. I am going to my GP on Monday to discuss this with him. Hope this helps.

I too have considered CFS and Fibro, what causes these things to occur in our bodies?
I've heard they're really hard to diagnose.