View Full Version : hello all im new

07-10-10, 14:33
hi to all.

this is all new to me so please be gentle.........

i have suffered with panic and agrophobia for about 6 years now.

i currently take 50g citolpram and things are so so at the min.

it all started when i had an inner ear infection and couldnt go out the home due to me getting dizzy and falling over alot. lol.

07-10-10, 14:40
Hi bighomer13

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

07-10-10, 15:46
Hi and welcome :)

I know how you feel with the inner ear problem...it's like being very tipsy but without the merriment :shrug:

Nice to meet you :)

07-10-10, 16:25
Hi and welcome to nmp,

i hope you find the site helpful,

take care

07-10-10, 16:51
Hello bighomer :welcome:. My panic attacks came back when I had an ear prob (labyrinthitis) but I'm doing much batter again these days. Hope you find NMP helpful.

07-10-10, 17:03
Hi bighomer13,

Welcome to the group!

Paul (Froggy) :D

07-10-10, 19:01
Hi there - hope you find some comfort and reassurance here. There's so many of us who really do understand the anxiety and panic so you're not alone :)

Fly away Katie
07-10-10, 20:49
Hello and welcome to NMP x x x

07-10-10, 23:01
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
sorry guys but this did bring a tear to me eye. im just finding it really hard at the moment suffering with panic attacks and i just wish i would have one day with out them. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lol

07-10-10, 23:11
Hi honey, :welcome:

Don't worry, think positive, and you'll get there in the end...we all will...

Take care,

Sue x. :flowers:

07-10-10, 23:14
Hi and welcome im new to tc