View Full Version : Can some one telkl me if this normal

07-10-10, 15:28
this may sound really stupid to people but i just won a little bit of money that will pay a debt off trhat has been worrieng me for a while now but im not happy at all about it as it has seemed to make me think really stupid things like cause some thing good has happened to me then some thing bad now will happen or im going to die before the money goes im my bank and its making me relly anxiouse and cant stop thinking these stupid thoughts so can anyone pls tell me if this normal in anxiety thank you

07-10-10, 15:30
Totally rational thoughts of an anxious mind. You should read some of the things i worry about and you'll realise what you have is totally normal.

07-10-10, 15:34
Hi Tricia,
There is sometimes no rhyme or reason behind anxiety. I have tried to explain to others about my anxiety that when I am suffering with an episode of anxiety / depression, I could win the lottery & it would not make me feel better.
Anxiety comes in all shapes & sizes and can latch on to anything. It's perfectly normal to worry about anything so try not to beat yourself up about it.
You are doing the sensible thing in paying off your debt. You may not be able to appreciate that now but you will when you've come through this.

Just try to let your thoughts wash over you & try not to dwell on them

Take care


07-10-10, 15:42
I can totally relate to the "I could win the lottery and not care when anxious"

I've just got some inheritance money from my nan and I'm not bothered about it I'm just obsessed with my mental health and anxiety.

07-10-10, 18:29
Hi Tricia,

Congrats on your win :yahoo:
And if it really is causing a problem then I’d gladly offer to help by relieving you of some of it :winks:

But seriously... I think it is normal for some people to think that way. Sometimes a person can become so used to how they usually feel that they almost become ‘comfortable’ with their uncomfortableness. Then when something happens to break that pattern, it doesn’t feel quite right. And what happens to an anxious person when something doesn’t feel quite right? They worry about it :doh:

The trouble is, your subconscious mind is attempting to redress the balance by looking for possible disasters, even though on a conscious level that isn’t what you really want at all.

Enjoy it Tricia :)


07-10-10, 19:37
i think its understandable for you to think like this and probably not uncommen. I would probably think i dont deserve it yet secretly i won it fair and square so am entittled to it. Just think of the posisitve your pay a debt off and that will be one less thing to add to anxiety. tc

07-10-10, 19:42
Ahhh the ole "I can't possibly have some luck, it will all go wrong" thoughts ;)

Congratulations on your win :)

There is no big master plan, no spirits dishing out good luck or bad, there is just life and what it brings.

Enjoy the good luck, there is no fate to say bad luck will follow. Infact what the hell, get lottery tickets for Saturday, you could be on a roll ;)



08-10-10, 10:49
jjust want to say thank you to the people who have messaged me back you all have made me feel alot better thank you