View Full Version : Giving Up Smoking Increases Palps?!?!?

07-10-10, 16:08
Hi Everyone

Thanks for reading this to begin with ...

I was in a real funk yesterday about everything - thanks to emma who took the time on here to mail me - that was really sweet and cool and i appreciate it :hugs:

Anyways back to my byline, i have been thinking about giving up smoking for sometime as i have asthma and it obviously doesnt help ... yesterday was also D Day and i went along to the chemist last night saw the smoking person and got my patches and gave up there and then, amazingly i felt so much better emotionally as i feel i am taking charge of something to do with me !!!!

Today i have now not had a cigarette for 23 hours - nearly there for my first day of not smoking well done me ... but the maddest thing is happening ...

I suffer from ectopic heartbeats hence my username, today they have gone absolutely doolally - im getting fluttering, ectopic beats, bubbling sensation its horrible and scary and i dont like it .. looking on a website online it does say that this can be one of the symptoms of withdrawal when giving up amoking but the leaflet with the nictoine patches doesnt advise that ... does anyone know if this is true or not??

Also i have read on DR GOOGLE that when you give up smoking but carry on drinking normal coffee, the nicotine is no longer there to metabolise the caffeine so this will also increase the ectopics ???

Am beginning to think that giving up smoking is not such a good idea after all and believe me i am happy not having had a cigarette but if what i have to look forward to is more of these damn beats its just not worth it.

Any replies would be helpful please xxxx

07-10-10, 16:49

Can anyone answer this please .. am also now getting head tingles now, it is all driving me mad.

07-10-10, 17:03
If you're using patches you're not exactly withdrawing from nictine as the patches are there to replace it. Could be that you're actually absorbing MORE nicotine and that's what's causing the irregular heartbeat. Talk to your GP maybe?

Hazel B
07-10-10, 17:08
Hi, I gave up smoking when my health anxiety started as I realised that I was being a hypocrite to worry about my health and keep smoking. I gave up cold turkey: no patches, gum etc, as they are a con in my opinion, you just keep feeding the addiction at the same cost as fags. I enjoyed smoking so I'm not being preachy.

I found that after the first 2 days, my anxiety diminished a bit, nicotine is a stimulant so overall it helps to stop. You may be more anxious as you are worried about not smoking, but with patches it should not affect your palps that much. I also switched to decaff coffee as I had a racing heart, but only have it every few days.

Good luck in stopping, I wish I had done it sooner, I still get cravings but they pass.