View Full Version : doctors are listening!! (girly issues)

07-10-10, 16:47
Saw a lovely GP today that I haven't seen since before the holidays, about problems in that area,I've had like a white lump down below for ages now, it swells up occasionally. I've seen countless GPs but noone has ever seen anything unusual, I've kept going back though and asking for help as it's quite sore. Well, doctor today asked me first (before I could ask) if everything was alright there - and she checked, and she is agreeing with me that yes something is a bit funny! She prodded around a bit and thinks it is a cyst which if it gets any sorer can be drained - I told her it had been there for a year (but I don't think it has, it only came up Feb time I think) and she said well if its been there for a year it'll be fine. If it hasn't been there for a year tho could it be more serious, and she just isnt worried cos I said its been there for so long.. She did say the skin around it was soft and moveable - so maybe I don't need to worry still?

.. I am so glad someone has listened :yesyes: though, what a relief!

She has also reffered me for an operation down there as I have excess skin apparently (sorry, maybe tmi) - called a labiaplasty? I'm getting an assessment in 6-8 weeks seemingly. I'm quite nervous as it'll be either a local/sedation or a general anaesthetic - I'll push for a local - but the last time I discussed this with a doctor she tried to put me off it by saying I would lose all sensation, I could bleed a lot, I could get an infection etc. so am quite worried? I'm sure it will be OK but I am nervous and just wondering if anyone can give me some reassurance.

07-10-10, 19:05
Hi, I thought labiaplasty was only done privately? I don't think these operations are advisable as they affect nerve function and sensation in such a delicate area?

07-10-10, 19:10
She said because it's been bothering me since I was tiny (I used to have to see the doctor when I was 4/5 because of similar issues) that medically it would be OK to have it on the nhs providing gynaecology agree that there's a need for it. That's what I'm worried about - side effects and that. I'm on repeat prescription for loads of creams and washes :blush: to try and help, prevent it from getting dry and stuff. I'm not too sure if I do want the op I will wait and see maybe with this assessment that I have to get first, see what they say.

07-10-10, 19:45
That is good to find out what they say at assessment, after all what is really a lot of excess skin? I didn't have any problems that young, but when I was about 12 I used to think I had but think I was likely mistaken about that as I get no bother with it at all, but I would think about whats best, after all, you don't want to get surgery and find out you are suffering irritation and pain and loss of sensation, after all, it cannot be reversed.