View Full Version : So gutted :( not been on in ages - now back to square one

07-10-10, 18:44
forgot my password for here I hadnt been on in so so long and now back to how I was last October/November

For the past year and a half or so I have been obcessing over my mouth.

I used to get ulcers a lot. they are away now thankfully. Now I get bumps and stuff at the tip of my tongue

On the left hand side of my tongue there's a big red smooth patch - been there for ages

sometimes it clears up. Sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it's stinging. sometimes not. I have taken vit b12 and it's not went away as much as I thought it would have.

Anyway done a search and it says it's glossitis/geographic tongue and linked to several terrible diseases. Wish I didn't but I'm so so gutted now.

I had football tonight which i usually enjoy and now can't even stomach the thought of it anymore. Sitting in the living room myself utterly dreading the thought of going out

can anyone try and help me out here and tell me if they have had anything like this ?

07-10-10, 18:49
hi . im also back here after a long time away thinking i was "cured" have you been to your doctor ?? i now with any new sympton get straight to the docs so he can either say yes its ........ or NO ITS ANXIETY and once im told its anxiety it tends to go away !! x

07-10-10, 19:21
Nicky is right Star

Pop to the docs and get checked out, and when you find out it's just anxiety, hopefully the fear will lift and you can get back on the footy field.

I used to love playing footy, and 5 a side (too old now ;)), but the exercise will help you cope with anxiety.

