View Full Version : Soreness round Temples - Tension?? Worried...

07-10-10, 20:22
Hi all
for the last few days I have had a very sore and sensitive head, its just round my temples on the right side and is very tender to the touch, I initially thought I had hit my head as feels a bit bruised but I haven't. It doesn't seem to ease and sometimes I get a bit of a tension type headache so wonder if its the usual stress and tension thing, or is it something else?
I am feeling a bit worked up at the mo so its so easy to tip myself into the usual health thing of its something really terrible and life threatening...
But never had anything like it before, has anyone has this or can help me?
It just feels like my skin is very sore as if somebody has wacked me one!
help please xx

08-10-10, 00:03
Hello! Sorry i'm on my mobile so if some of this doesn't make sense thats y! I had the wierd temple pain about a month or so ago! Exactly how you described! Like when you touch a bruise and mine was on the right hand side too! Mine went after a day or 2 but i did keep prodding it which i guess doesn't help lol! I honestly go from one thing to the next i panic about everything my body does, feels, looks like! I wouldn't worry about the temple thing though, just try not to prod it like i did lol x x x

10-10-10, 15:14
The skins very thin on the temple, so it is very sensitive. Also there's a bit ol' blood vessel there so it's common to have a headache in that region, so you're right it probably is all linked to your tension headache.

Make sure you keep you shoulders nice and relaxed to try and release some of your tension.
