View Full Version : Really freaking out about trip tomorrow :(

07-10-10, 20:43
Hi guys,
as some of you may know I'm going to Manchester tomorrow to see a comedy show live.
At one time this would have been an exciting time for me, but I've been really anxious all day & I'm terrified.
I'm going with my sister but she doesn't understand about my anxiety.
We have to get the train there & we're staying over the night.
I'm worried about everything.
What if we get the wrong train & get stranded? What if the room is wrong when we get there & we have no where to stay? What if there's something wrong with the tickets? What if I have a big attack in the theatre & ruin it all?
What if we get attacked? Run over??? :wacko::weep:
My brain is driving me mad & it's set my IBS off, I've been going to the toilet all day & that's another thing what's worrying me, what if I need the toilet half way through the show & have to get up in front of everyone [we're at the front]
What if I take ill & end up in hospital?
I've been needing to urinate more often aswell which is a worry.
I know something bad is gonna happen & sooooo terrified. I can't tell them I'm not going as my Dad has paid for everything & he'll go spare & I really do want to go...
I'm just so scared...what can I do to get through it? :weep:

07-10-10, 20:53

Maybe try writing your feelings down and try and think about things that are more likely to ocur and how you would deal with it rather than all the other things. yeh they are fears but in reality may probably not occur. such as if you get the wrong train theres no way your get stranded you can always get the train back and get on the right one. I know its not easy worrying about all the things you are i used to and still do sometimes for some things but relaxed about others but i learnt by being clear about what to do if ... or it wont happen as im prepared and can find out where im going. If the rooms rubbish ask for another one its one night andim sure the room will be fine. I think your worrying too much break it down. Remeber you there to enjoy it and have fun. Your be so proud of yourself youve done it too. Have you done anything thats scared you before if you have thats good that youve done it and acheived it shows you can do it again. Also your not on your own your with your sister and between you you can gt through this. tc

07-10-10, 20:55
At the moment, your mind is full of all the what ifs, but realistically the chance of any of them happening is slim - I know it's hard to get your brain to believe that though!
If one of them DID happen, you'd handle it if and when. If you got the wrong train - you could get another, or even a taxi. If the room was wrong - there are plenty of hotels in Manchester, you'd find another one. If you need the toilet in the theatre - go! Whenever I go, there are always people who go to the toilet in the middle, don't worry about it.
Try to enjoy it and even see it as a bit of an adventure. I'm sure once you get on the train you'll feel a lot better. You've got your sister there, although she doesn't understand it still means you're not on your own. Maybe take some music to listen to on the way, or a book to read.
I really hope you end up enjoying it :)