View Full Version : is This Right??

07-10-10, 21:04
hey all,

Well i had a fasting blood test done on Wednesday and i did it woohoo one of my fears, and then in the afternoon i had a 24hr blood pressure monitor fitted and 24hr ecg to. So i took it back today and the lady said they had put them onto the computer and that my gp would look at them etc.

Is this what they do? is there something wrong with me and thats why i have to wait? im nervous now :ohmy:

07-10-10, 21:09

It is routine for all test results to be given to your GP to look at first and you get your results from the GP.

You can contact the GP for the results if you dont hear back from GP soon

hope they come back OK tc

07-10-10, 21:29
The staff are not qualified to look at the results so the doc will.

07-10-10, 22:14
This is totally normal Katy, don't worry.

They kind of download the info from the monitor onto the computer - which takes time - and bear in mind they have two sets of results to deal with - and the GP then has to review them. They can then be printed out in a kind of graph fashion with times and readings, etc. which the GP will then let you know about and maybe even give you the printout. (They did when my Dad had a 24hr ECG)

Don't worry. It's all standard stuff.x

07-10-10, 22:46
awwww thanks all :) i was terrified that something was wrong and they was not telling me lol i shall speak to them tomorrow and hopefully fine out more, i shall let you all now. Thanks for your support Love to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

08-10-10, 15:26
Well the doctor has rang me and it goes like this :unsure: my bloods were all ok apart from they need to do the liver function and kidney function again as the machine went wrong and said error, but its not a fasting one so i can manage that ok.

My pulse is to fast, not dangerous but still over 100 alot and my blood pressure is borderline high, so she has given me propranolol 40mg a day to help it all. so fingers crossed i should start to feel better now and relax, and now i know my heart is not about to give up any time soon im going to try and take it all in. Does anyone else here take propranolol and will it make me feel ill im a little scared about it eeeeeeeeeeeeeek

08-10-10, 15:55
i am taking propanalol at the moment and have no problems apart from its disrupting my sleep as in i cant get to sleep :s which is a side effect. tho every1 is different so u may not have this problem. it really does work wanders to calm u down tho x