View Full Version : Weird Dizziness

07-10-10, 21:12
I got up off the sofa just now and coughed a bit and i went very dizzy for a good 10 seconds, It felt like i was going to faint.

I still feel funny since it happened and feel dizzy/light-headed, Maybe the cough caused it? I don't think i got up too quick.

I know my right ear has quite a bit of wax in it as the doctor said so.

07-10-10, 21:32
Well you could ask the doc when you see him next week - add it to the list - but this isn't anything unusual to me.

Maybe your blood pressure dropped.

I wouldn't worry about it to be honest.

Try to stop analysing every little thing your body does during the day and ignore things more.

07-10-10, 21:33
Thats quite likely Eggy .Your Medication can make you dizzy for a while sometimes too .It will settle down after 4-6 weeks of starting on it tho .You can buy drops from the chemist or supermarkets that will get rid of excess ear wax .Try to keep your blood sugar levels up whilst your medication is new .Eating small ammounts often will do this .It helps with the dizzy feelings Also drink plenty of water .You will be fine .t/c Sue x

08-10-10, 01:14
I think its quite common to go dizzy when you change position, the coughing will have added to it as its a bit more stress on your body, as the people above have said, its nothing to worry about, but if we over analyze everything our bodies do we keep feeling we are ill and so tend not to do very much at all at the end of the day.

paula lynne
08-10-10, 10:15
Hi Eggy
Its also worth getting that wax in your ear sorted out, our balance center in inside the ear, and the wax would definately affect pressure/balance. Paula:)