View Full Version : I thought anxiety was meant to:

07-10-10, 21:42
Make you heart go faster
Increase your blood pressure
Give you diarrhoea

I seem to mostly have the opposite - any ideas?

07-10-10, 21:59
No not at all !

It varies between people

07-10-10, 23:21
My blood pressure doesn't increase with anxiety I do get fast heart rate. I think everyone is different x

08-10-10, 11:46
i get constipated... and my bp is always low whether i'm anxious or not. it does increase when i'm having a panic attack

08-10-10, 13:06
For me, my anxiety used to change all the time. As soon as I would come to terms with it doing 1 thing to my body, it would do something else. I found it hard for months experiencing all sorts of symptoms and it was never the same.

08-10-10, 18:12
I'm sure anxiety can give you constipation, it's just generally stomach upsetting, it can make your heart beat do ANYTHING and that includes being slow I believe.
Blood pressure is dependant on many factors, it doesn't always have to increase, blood pressure can drop for anxious reasons aswel that's where some people get their faintness or dizzy spells from.