View Full Version : sudden sharp head pains?????????????????

07-10-10, 21:52
Hi just wondered if anyone else ever gets sharp little shooting pains in there head or like electric shock pains,i'm on citlopram 40mg not sure if its linked to that.

07-10-10, 21:58
Head zaps they are called. Harmless and I think loads of us get them

07-10-10, 22:00
Hello cozza,

Yeh, I get those too, like little jerky electric shocks in my head, especially when I am laying down to sleep at night. I'm on only 10mg of Cipralex as well, and I find this side effect really annoying!:mad:

I'm pretty sure it is the Escitalopram as when I was off the meds earlier this year that disappeared.

07-10-10, 22:01
Oh i'm so pleased its not just me i thought you only got them when coming off the meds.xx

07-10-10, 22:05
I get them and I am not on any medication