View Full Version : Aaaaaaarrrrrrrgggghhhhh! fed up now!!

07-10-10, 22:07
My dizziness/off balance is not subsiding, its actually even worse when i try to relax. It makes me fidgety and restless and I have had enough. I dont know what I can do. The last time I had this my GP carried out blood tests and an ECG but no avail, it showed nothing so we put it down (as usual) to good old, reliable.....ANXIETY!!

I am now on the edge of breakdown, I;m fed up!! :weep:

07-10-10, 23:02
My dizziness/off balance is not subsiding, its actually even worse when i try to relax. It makes me fidgety and restless and I have had enough. I dont know what I can do. The last time I had this my GP carried out blood tests and an ECG but no avail, it showed nothing so we put it down (as usual) to good old, reliable.....ANXIETY!!

I am now on the edge of breakdown, I;m fed up!! :weep:

What makes you think you can do anything? Not everything in our lives can be solved and not everything conforms to the problem solving solutions we have used in our lives up to this point.

I'm sure you have been told this before and I'm sure you are aware of it but the longer you think you have the power to control this sensation then the longer you will stay stuck in the self fulfilling prophecy.

As hard as it is but for any form of recovery to start you must stop the monitoring and evaluation of this sensation...all you are doing is feeding the fear and bewilderment and resigning yourself to more and more anxiety. You may have heard of an anxiety expert called Claire Weekes, she was a pioneer in her day and her main philosophy was that anxiety could only be treated and tamed by acceptance and then by learning to float through the sensations. Yes, you may feel them and you may not be able to stop noticing them but the trick is to stop the constant judgement.

08-10-10, 09:18
Hi pinkpiglet

Im sorry you are still going through this. Mine is not dizziness as such but constant feelings of lightheadedness which seem to be with me most of the day.

Like you im so fed up of it and down, im really trying hard to ignore it all because i no it will go away quicker but is so hard.

:hugs: mandie x

08-10-10, 09:44
I've pm'd you this morning!! Don't worry keep going, I've suffered two whole years now and still haven't cracked (although I've thought I was close so many times). Like you my symptoms are mainly related to my head. Give your son a big kiss, have a cup of tea and a choccy biscuit! xxxx

08-10-10, 10:38
I too suffer from dizziness, feelings of being on a ship when standing in the kitchen and general offblance - have you had a bad cold or ear infection in the last couple of years?? I had an ear infection 4 years ago and went to the doctors thinking I had nvCJD or at least a brain tumour, but she sent me away with vertigo - it was horrible and I still get it on and off since then. I have done some research and have come to the conclusion that I have labrynthitis - it is a common inner-ear problem but nevertheless very distressing - there is a good website for anyone suffering from such symptoms which helps to dispel the feelings of utter panic when you feel out of control -www.labyrinthitis.org.uk - i'm not saying you have this, but it might help!

13-10-10, 10:03
Thanks for your supportive and encouraging replies! I have had my ears looked at many times (although I do not think this as been done as thoroughly as it should) to no avail! I know that my breathing is bad (I hold my breath) I am tense and tight, I sit scrunched up on my legs (my partner says I look uncomfortable) its as if I am closing myself up!!! I get so cross with myself, I am tense which makes me dizzy/lighteheaded/panicky but when I do unwind I fear the relaxed state as its something I am not used to.
I need to get alot of things in order, de clutter my home and organise some drawers and cupboards but I dont have the energy or motivation, this results in me feeling more stressed but today I am going to do it. I have my little boys harvest fesival and then he as an opticians appointment, a trip to the park as promised and then I must come home and get cracking!!!

Thanks guys!!! The anxiety and symptoms are still attacking like a pack of wild animals but life goes on xx

13-10-10, 16:37
pinkpiglet surely you have read the symptoms pages?
i go back to them all the time.
Your symptoms are in there under the heading 'dizziness'.
Best wishes