View Full Version : Restless and scared

07-10-10, 22:45
I am so restless dont know what to do with myself, so tired need to sleep but cant. I can feel panic coming on and dont know why or how to stop it!! im scared i hate feeling like this, wish this feeling would go away!!

I hate myself when i get like this, hate myself anyway i guess.

sorry rambling trying to distract myself but isnt working.

07-10-10, 22:49
Hello hunny don't hate your self its not your fault for feeling this way. Sorry your feeling rubbish I hope it passes soon. Maybe try get a relaxing bath and maybe read a book in bed just an idea might settle you a little here if u need a chat :) x

07-10-10, 22:54
thanks sammi but i am horrible, bad, stupid and evil thats me. I mess everything up and it probably is my fault im like this, i just need to stop being so stupid and getting myself in this state. Maybe i should just try and read a book but cant concentrate i guess i need to do something to calm myself down. i just dont want another night without any sleep.

sorry just ignore me.

07-10-10, 22:58
I'm sure your none of those things and if we could stop our selfs from getting into these states we wouldn't have anxiety. Anxiety sucks I think we can both agree on that one x

07-10-10, 23:04
hi well i think i am perhaps others dont see me like that!! yeh is it a bit rubbish just wish it would go away it crps up at such inconveinient time too, but surely i should be able to control it o i dunno thans though for your kind replies.

07-10-10, 23:10
Your welcome. And don't worry your nt alone I can't control my anxiety either. I'm here anytime you need a chat or even if you just want a rant I know how hard it is. Don't be too hard on yourself we don't ask to be this way. X

07-10-10, 23:19
Hi sammi thanks again, sorry for the rambles im not ver good at talking about me and often just try and hide how im feeling or dismiss it but just lately i am not able to do this and just want to hide away!!but cant even do that as too much going on so just have to hide it all and get on with it i guess. makes everything seem harder when i get like this and then cant sleep, get anxious, worried someone will notice and cant let them see me like this. think i may hide away for a few days.

07-10-10, 23:25
Who you hiding away from hun? Lack of sleep can make you feel worse too. Is there anyone you can speak to I know its hard but getting things off your chest may help? Just an idea. X

07-10-10, 23:30

i guess i want to hide away from everyone while im like this. i will try and get some sleep soon as really need it. I find it so hard to speak to anyone re my feelings and how i am so noone really knows what im like. over the years have learnt to hide it all or surpress it i guess which is probably why it comes back to haunt me. Oh well i guess hopefully it will pass for how long though i dont know. thanks hope ur ok tc

07-10-10, 23:36

I'm sorry you're feeling this way right now.

Sometimes we all feel that the best thing to do is to hide away...away from our thoughts, and especially our feelings. I've been there and done that, like many here.

But until we recognise that these emotions won't go away on their own, ( for they are what makes each of us unique) and that they won't hurt us, however terrible...and that it's much better to reach out for extra help when needed, than hide away under the covers.

Easier said than done, eh? Panic is so debilitating, both physically, and mentally, but knowing we are there for you, may just help a little? I hope so...

Take care,

Sue x :flowers:

07-10-10, 23:36
Sometimes it just feel good to get your feelings out there and maybe if you don't want to talk to family/friends see your gp explain how you feel they maybe able to help. I really hope you feel better soon. Try sleep you might feel a little better. Take care hunny xxx

07-10-10, 23:42
hi inspires and sammi thanks for your kind messages. I guess i just need to go with it until it goes away. im to scared to face up to anything and to speak to anyone even the GP, maybe one day ill be able to and find the right person havent yet though!!

I guess it just the ay it is sometimes, just wish it would go away, Heres hopingi get some sleep tonight!!


10-10-10, 22:42
I know this horribel restless feeling, almost as if you could pace! I really didn;t know what to do a few weeks ago but when i feel like this now i try to go on a brisk walk around the block with my earphones and make myself focus completly on the words of the song, even sing aloud, rather than fuel my anxiety further by thinking about it more. just an idea.... has helped me a bit xx

11-10-10, 11:39
Hi ljd,

How are you feeling?

Sue x :flowers:

20-10-10, 21:45
im OK justfed up with me thanks for asking